What have I made this time?

Urban Block for Marianne by Lynne @ Lilys Quilts

OK so occasionally I make a block and I know what it is and then, when it's made, it looks like something else (if I ask my husband, his usual response is some comedy body part in the nether regions). So I'm going to give you no clues as to what this is supposed to be and hope that everyone single one of you sees what I was trying to make but will laugh very hard if you all see something completely unrelated as happened with my post-box-that-looked-like-a-penis.


  1. I'm really sorry but I thought it was an axe when I first saw the picture. Now I'm veering towards a vase with the stem of a flower in it...with the flower to come later. Love the purple colours.

  2. My first instinct was mortar and pestle, but now maybe vase and flower stem?

  3. I can see a nuclear reactor - possibly in mid-meltdown. But I am sure it is something much more wonderful than that (unless you are making a statement quilt!).

  4. Cooling tower? With grape juice steam coming out the top?

  5. I thought vase too. But the colour of the 'flower stem' would be creative...or perhaps it is a power station cooling tower.

  6. Oh, Lynne, where is your mind?
    Sorry, I must tease!
    Must be the cook in me because I see a pot with a spoon handle:)

  7. I think it looks like a table with a purple ribbon on it :-)

  8. I see either a cooling tower, or an ink pot with a pen in it.

  9. I see a smokestack with smoke drifting out.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. large industrial chimney with a plume of smoke

  12. As Linda says, a large industrial chimney with smoke..but I`m going to be totally wrong and you`ll then announce that you are giving away a huge box of shot cotton to the person who guessed correctly and I`ll wish I had tried harder.

  13. I thought mortar & pestle, immediately too, even in the thumbnail on reader...but also see the nuclear reactor possibility.

  14. Too funny about the poor clock!

    I, too, thought it looked like the symbol I see at pharmacies - mortar and pestle?

  15. I think it looks like a smoke stack, perhaps from a power plant.

  16. A hat with a purple streamer maybe by that famous hat man whose name escapes me at the moment! :)

  17. yes, Yvonne, that would be Liberace or Elton John.

  18. did I forget to mention the Mad Hatter?

  19. I see either a vase with a very thick stem or a big chimney with smoke.

  20. My first thought was an old-fashioned inkwell with the pen sticking out.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Feather resting in an inkwell?

  23. I thought cooling tower too! Or is it a purple pipe ?

  24. I'm sure it's me and the early morning for me; but, it is all coffee and steam for me.

  25. a vase with a weird purple stem coming out of it?

  26. nuclear reactor was my first thought

  27. At first I thought it was a tree trunk submerged in a river - you know how you get that diffractiony thing (?!) but then I saw a pestle and mortar and finally SMOG, so I'm going with a cooling tower or gas towery thing ...

    all bets hedged? tick!

  28. Mum, Philip something is the hat man...Tracey or Stacey or something like that :)
    An upside down tornado?

  29. I cheated, but it kind of looks like a pot to piss in (with a bit of a worrying purple ailment) x

  30. I think it's a glass of blueberry lemonade with a huge straw :-))

  31. I saw smoke and tower first, but if you turn the block, I see juice pouring from a small pitcher...whatever it is,I love the colors!

  32. I first thought a mustache cup & brush, inkwell & feather or a mortar & pestle. Then I stared and stared, trying to think out of the box. Then, I saw a tornado.

  33. nuclear reactor here, too ... Now I'm trying to think what else it could be ... inkpot and feather?

  34. It's definitely an old-fashioned ink well with quilt...

  35. I see cooling towers! (Like these:) http://www.flickr.com/photos/blazeral/318286041/

  36. I've got the same impression as some of the girls: chimney or reactor.

  37. nuclear reactor cooling tower? it looks very modern though so does that count?

  38. Perhaps a flower vase with a flower stem. But my first thought was pouring something into a container.

  39. he..he..he..at least it's one block...I made a whole bargello quilt that ended up looking like a vagina!

  40. I've come and deleted my digusting comment and I think it's the top of a vase and flower stem.

  41. It looks like a Nuclear Reactor to me. I am guessing that is not what you wanted to hear. :(

  42. At first I saw a nuclear reactor with smoke coming out. And I see several others posted the same thing. I was sure that wasn't going to be the answer, so I am going with a vase with a stem.

  43. When I study it, I see not something coming out but something going in....perhaps coffee being poured into a mug?

  44. To it looks like a vase and a flower stem.

  45. i thought it was an old fashioned inkwell with pen !!!

  46. I thought Mortar and pestle....

  47. I see the inkwell & quill too, glad some others did too.

  48. I think a castle tower with a modern rainbow over it.

  49. I immediately went to a nuclear cooling stack, but that may be because there's one nearish my home town...

  50. definitely the cooling tower as you move into militant quilting (mm doesn't sound like you somehow).

  51. cooling tower? Or comedy nether part ;-)

  52. While I can see the nuclear reactor idea, how about a road going over a hill? The dark purple part is closer and the lighter purple part is in the distance.

  53. Well, if your goal was to make a nuclear power plant, you were successful ;-) I hope I'm wrong though. I think I wouldnt want that in a quilt.

  54. Yeah, my first thought was a nuclear reactor cooling tower. My second thought was why in the world would you be making a block of a nuclear cooling tower? My third thought is, I'm just totally wrong!

  55. I also immediately saw a cooling tower but maybe that's because there's a big chemical and power plant a few miles away...http://www.flickr.com/photos/93173492@N00/2684294299/ and then I saw an inkwell and quill. And then a path/road going over a bridge/through a ford. When do we get to find out what you really made?!!

  56. I've scanned down past the comments so I deliberately haven't read what other put. But it reminds me of one of the towers of Didcot Power station with a plume of smoke or whatever it is that comes out of them.

    So I think you were making a power station tower thingy with plume... :-)

  57. Hilarious- not your block, but the responses!

  58. I'm thinking it's the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?? I guess cause it's coming up on St. Patrick's day. Pretty purple whatever it may be.

  59. An inkwell with a quill pen with a feather.

  60. Yep, put us down for another cooling tower.

  61. well one thing is for sure...if you ever DID want to make a block of a cooling tower, you would certainly have a pattern for it. LOL. I think that you are really a psychiatrist and you are giving us the quilt block version of ink blot tests.

    What do you see?

    I see candle wax being poured to form a beautiful lavender candle.

  62. First thing I saw was the nuclear power plant cooling tower. Which I see I'm not the first to have seen. :) It looks like steam coming out of it!

  63. First reaction was mortar and pestle - then cup with a spoon handle.

  64. Well, I see two things. First I saw a quill feather pen dipped in an ink bottle, then I saw a mortar and pestle. I am curious as to what it really is.

  65. I saw pot of gold at the end of a single-color rainbow (and I'm pretty sure that isn't it), and then a nuclear cooling tower.

  66. I saw a vase with a flower stem... :)

  67. Forget what it is. I just love the fabrics. I want them.

  68. I'm going with cooling tower but whatever it is I LOVE that purple fabric...

  69. I think it looks like a nuclear power plant tower.

  70. well my indecisiveness (and randomness!) is coming through as in the space of about 3 seconds I went from "mortar and pestle" to "stem of a flower in a vase" (but discounted it as too thick for a stem and no flower head) to steam from a colling tower (probably one of the ones seen from the A1). And reading the comments I'm not very original either......

  71. looks like water being poured into a vase. Have a good weekend!

  72. A nuclear reactor at the end of a purple rainbow? :)

  73. it looks like a power plant cooling tower with steam rising into the wind.

  74. My first guess was a vase and flower stem but the color choice throws it off.

  75. Boy I sure wish I could think of a body part that looked like that but I am not that cleaver. Instead I am forced to tell you it looks like a nuclear reactor . Can't wait to hear what it is.

  76. I second an ink well and quill or alternatively a vase with a flower stem.

  77. I dont not about all those other ideas but I saw a rainbow developing with the blue first leading to a pot of fabric(because what would I need gold for-it breaks needles)

  78. I saw a mortar and pestle first (my parents are pharmacists) and then a cooling tower. Regardless, I like the gradation of gray with the ribbon of purple. Like an industrial sunset.

  79. Nuclear reactor tower...with tsunami in the background

  80. I saw a top hat with feathers on it.

  81. In the devils triangle, looking out a port hole of a sinking ship at purple leg of a kraken just about to eat them all. Am I close?

  82. It looks like a mortar and pestle to me. If that's what you intended, nicely done!

  83. A cooling toer, but why you'd want to quilt a cooling tower, I've no idea! So it must be something else.

  84. Well, I know it's certainly not the anything like the picture you first showed me for the block ;o) - otherwise I'm with - nuclear plant cooling tower
    Love the colours/fabrics, classy

  85. I thought chimney at a power station too, looking forward to finding out the real answer

  86. Reminds me of taking my son back to Nottingham Uni and passing the cooling towers

  87. looks like one of those large cooling towers of a nuclear power plant - a nother more beautiful otpion would be a ink bottle with an dip pen ...
    I'm probbaly miles off the track but guessing is fun... Are you going to slove the puzzle eventually?

  88. I can see a cooling tower at at power station? Can't think I am right though! And thank you for intorducing me to Oakshott - they are only a mile away from me! Hurray!

  89. Para mi que vivo en Argentina podría decir que veo un Mate es una infusión que tomamos siempre aun cuando estamos cosiendo.Si buscas en google la palabra Mate podrás
    ver como es :).

  90. If you turn it one time clockwise I think it lookslike water flowing out the wall!

  91. It's a water cooling tower from a nuclear power plant, isn't it?

  92. Didn't read all the comments, but how about a writing feather (sorry, don't know the English word: quill?) in an ink pot?

  93. I always did fancy that penis block.......I was going to remind you of your body part/quilt block history but didn't want to bring up the unfortunate, I mean hilarious past.

    I love the block.....and if it makes me smile all the better.

  94. Nuclear reactor cooling tower. 3 mile island.


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