An Oakshott Giveaway

Oakshott shot cottons have arrived in Canada, I am excited to announce.  They are now being stocked by Hyggeligt Fabrics of London, Ontario.  Hyggeligt also stock many Liberty lawns and Kaffe Fassett fabrics - the kind of shop I would like to have at the end of my road.   (For Canadians, Chantal is currently offering free shipping on all full price products excluding books).

Chantal from Hyggeligt has very kindly offered to give away the kit for my Modern Blocks Oakshott Ruby shot cottons table runner.  You will win a F8 pack of Oakshott rubies together with the pattern to make the table runner top which you can see below.  Of course you are free to make whatever you like with the Rubies!  

To win just leave one simple comment and let me know what you have planned for Halloween.  And PLEASE, make sure your blogger profile is linked to your email or I cannot contact you if you win.  If you are unsure, leave your email in the comment spaced out like this lilysquilts @ gmail . com so Blogger doesn't spam you out of your chance to win. 


  1. I plan to make my 4 week old grandaughter a caterpillar costume this halloween season

  2. I teach Kindergarten so I am making a Book Fairy costume to wear: tutu and wings and all!

  3. We are the one house on the block that has the spooky garage. Our house has big old strobe lights flashing inside, and the garage is all decked out in creepy. Not TOO spooky that the kids don't want to come up. Just creepy enough that they are curious. This year we are adding fog. There is a creepy guy on the ground where the fog comes out of his mouth LOL. We have to make it better each year so the kids can have some fun. Our neighbors (adults) come and sit at our house and hand our their candy from our house.

  4. Oh Halloween. It's so different now that we are an empty nest house. No real plans. In fact, my DH has a doctor appointment at the height of the trick or treat fun! So I guess my plans for Halloween are to man the door for the trick or treaters. lol!

  5. Going to a Halloween party for dinner, after the kids trick or treat. I'll pass out the treats!

  6. I don't have any special plans for Halloween

  7. Making bats out of egg cartons with the children at the local mother and toddler group! And my daughter (3) always has a pumpkin skillfully (??) carved by my husband ;-)

  8. I think we are going to go to a trunk or treat at our church. They set up games and treat areas in the parking lot so it's a much more confined way of trick or treating but the kids have a lot of fun.

  9. No special plans this year since my kids are all grown up, and I don't have any grandkids yet!

  10. Taking the kids trick or treating after school... OH crap I still haven't gotten costumes... thanks for the reminder...

    nydia @ add-crafter. com

  11. A tiny Halloween party for Junior Sprog and her friends while Senior Sprog goes to a Halloween sleepover - lots of sweets and squealing, probably!

  12. I don´t have any special plans.Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. It's my son's first Halloween so we plan on dressing him up and taking him around to show him off :)

  14. Taking the kids out for a bit. Love the colors in this bundle!

  15. No doubt ill be hiding in the back garden stitching up a storm whilst I wait for the teenager to call for her taxi service! I better stock up on treats just in case!

  16. I plan to eat as many sweets as I can :) Maybe I give some away to some kids ;)

  17. Trick or treating in the neighborhood. I've been waiting for the Oakshott cottons to become available!

  18. we're off to a party organised by the village and then on the Saturday going swimming in the evening with a Halloween theme and lots of smoke ;o)

  19. I'm not home, but making sure I drop of treats for all my neighbour's children before we leave!

  20. Por aqui não temos esta tradição mas...fiz uma fantasia para meu casal de netos:uma fada cor de rosa para 6 meses e um ônibus de papelão para o neto de 2 de idade,reta saber se minha filha vai estarei fora em visita a minha irmã.Amei essas cores juntas,obrigada por oferta.

    tiacarminhpezzuto @ gmail. com

  21. For Halloween, we go trick or treating with friends. The husbands take the kids out and my friend and I stay home and drink tea. My girls are being a cat (white with black) and a paper doll.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Sending off my Hubby and daughter in their costumes while I lurk behind the front door with witch finger biscuits

  24. We are going over to our cousin's house to pass out candy to the trick-or-treaters!

  25. We're all going to my parent's for the day and some family who live 3 hours away are joining us too, will be great fun!
    blondie19012k @ hotmail. com

  26. I plan on closing the curtains and turning off all the lights.

  27. We usually go to the movies for Halloween now that there are no more young ones at home.

  28. I'm going to totally punk up my fabulously new, short hair and scare the not-so-little boogers who come to my door. :-D

  29. I'm going to hear a great band on the square in our hometown.

  30. No kids at home, so we'll probably dress up and hand out candy to the trick-or-treaters, which we love to do! Thanks so much for the giveaway! These colors would go great in my dining room :)

  31. Halloween will be about Preschool parties this year.And exposing the baby to the holiday for the first time. should be fun!

  32. I was planning to ignore Halloween's very existence, but apparently my boys would like something to happen (we won't be costuming or horrible trick or treating, ick) but I think I might make some sort of Halloween dinner for them!

  33. Halloween is my favorite holiday!!! On our block our home is the only house fully decorated for Halloween. We have lots of fun non scary decorations for all. We have someone stationed at the door giving away candy and I along with friends usually take a group of 10+ kiddo's trick or treating! It is a wonderful night filled with fun for everyone! :)

  34. We may hand out candy for a while - if I get around to buying some after I get back from Market, but that is about it :) I loved my costume making years, but am OK with taking a break until grandchildren (a LONG time from now!)

  35. Halloween is always such a special time. There will be hundreds of kids at the door, hands out, with adorable costumes, for candy and treats, parties with friends and a big bonfire. Great that shot cotton!

  36. I found that shop yesterday and saw the Oakshotts there, nice to see them available here. I plan to carve some pumpkins and hand out treats. The kids are all too big to dress up, at least they think so.

  37. going to be making scarp cupcakes for my daughters school cake sale. Then we will dress up and go trick or treating. Halloween is a big thing here in Ireland going back to pagan times.

  38. I have to travel for work, so I'll be in a hotel or corp. condo that week. BOO! (not the ghost "Boo!", the other one). :)

  39. We're off to a 50th birthday party!!

  40. I will walk main street with my Lego Man and Strawberry before trick or treating around the hood. Our house is covered in spider webs and the pumpkins will be carved this week! Fun fun!

  41. Going out to dinner with my hubs and passing out tons of candy! Thanks for the chance!

  42. We have a progressive dinner planned for the teens from our church, i got the easy part, appetizers.

  43. Oh, this is an amazing's hoping!

    We have few trick or treaters anymore so I got little plastic jack-o-lanterns last year after Halloween. I'm going to fill them with candy (they're tiny), and give them out to each glamor or ghoul. We also always have witches brew (split pea soup) for dinner. I started that when the kids were little, and continue now that it's just my husband and me. It's delicious and it's easy to leave a bowl of soup to answer the door.

  44. All the little ones on our street are getting together to go trick or treating. They can't wait.

  45. I'm planning on buying a wee-tiny-orange-mini-super-mini pumpkin and glueing googly eyes onto it and drawing a moustache. I think that is as much fun as we will be having this year!! LOVE Oakshott fabrics!

  46. I am going to spend the evening watching "scary" movies

  47. No children at home so we'll hand out candy! The elementary school bus stops on our corner so I plan to greet them with candy as they get off the bus in the afternoon!!

  48. I'm babysitting my godson's little brother - it could be a scary experience for both of us!

  49. Here at Catalonia we don't celebrate Halloween, or at least, that's not the typical thing to do.

    Instead, we do celebrate All Saints on first November. And we do so with the family, going to the cemetry to visit those who already passed away, eating some sweet potatos and the typical Catalan "panellets" (just in case you're interested to know what's that, I found that on Google:

    That's a time of remembering our loved ones, so I'll go visit my grandparents and mother-in-law, and celebrate the day in company of the family :)

  50. No major plans for Halloween this year...haven't even bought a pumpkin yet!

  51. This will be the first Halloween in our house and we are actually going to give out candy. This is exciting because when we lived in the city there were not many kids and you had to sit outside and wait for them. It should be interesting with the dogs, but I'm sure it will be worth it when we see all of the cute costumes.

  52. I'm going to eat those little chocolate bars that the trick or treaters don't claim. I'd love to win the Oakshots and I'm happy to hear I can get them in Canada. thanks for the chance to win.

  53. I'll be trotting around with my kids on all Hallow's eve.
    Yay!! Great to hear about another Canadian fabric shop! :)
    Thank you for the chance

  54. Planning to get the whole family snot free for halloween!

  55. We usually have a Halloween party but not this year. Our daughter just bought her first house and we have been so busy getting her set up that I will just be handing out candy this year (one of my favorite things to do). I would love to win these Oakshots, I am dying to try some!!

  56. Ooops, I had kind of forgotten about Halloween - not sure if I'm pleased to be reminded or just panicked! The oakshotts are beautiful. Juliex

  57. I'm torn between a neighborhood party and traveling for a zombie walk. Your table runner is so gorgeous!

  58. We are having some friends round to carve pumpkins!! And dressing up of course! :)

  59. I'm afraid Halloween will be a bust for me this year. I'll be visiting my mom who lives out in the country. No little kids at the door out there.

  60. I think this will be our last year with trick or treat aged kids! So probably gonna close my doors and go walking with the kids!

  61. Hoping someone puts Oakshott's in my goodie bag!

  62. Halloween is middle of the week so no real plans. Where I live trick or treating happens the day before. It is called Beggar's Night.

  63. My son is not big on Halloween, so we are usually low-key, but... evidently, he has big plans this year. Unfortunately, none have been finalized, so it will probably be a mad dash at the end to whip up something that passes for "OK" in the pre-teen boy world.

  64. Sadly we never get any trick-or-treaters, so it's usually a chili & movie night for us - with the 'just in case' candy bowl nearby! ;-)

  65. My daughter is going as the goddess Isis and my son as a wizard. I better get cracking on finishing up the costumes!! Other than trick or treating, no other big plans\

  66. my only real Halloween plan is to hand out candy at our church's "trunk or treat" to neighborhood kids. It's always a fun time!

  67. Love that fabric. I'll walk around the block with the younger ones and say "trick or treat"! ;)

  68. So glad that there will be less expensive shipping! I have loved seeing the shot cottons! Thanks!
    lmgardunia at yahoo dot com

  69. We'll go to the Halloween carnival held at our church.

  70. I get to enjoy seeing my little granddaughters (5 and 6 months) dressed up for Halloween as a vet and her patient!! Thanks for the chance to win these beautiful cottons and pattern!!

  71. Halloween is pretty low key at my house because I am in a rural neighborhood but we give out treats at my husband's business and expect about 1000 kiddies. I love to see all the different costumes! Love the fabrics - thanks for the opportunity to win!

  72. I am the biggest fan of those beautiful fabrics. For Halloween, we are planning to donate our candy to the military folks. It's win-win for all, kids exchange for toys!

  73. We will celebrate with friends at the pool.

  74. Passing out candy - and eating the rest.

  75. I'll be traveling to see my grand babies in Las Vegas!! Love those reds-my 'favorite' color this year-thanks.

  76. I will be going to a costume party on the Saturday before Halloween. Can't decide what to go as. Thanks so much for the chance to win this beautiful fabric.

  77. I am on holiday in Eastern Canada. On Halloween I will be in a small town in Nova Scotia. I can't imagine what goes on there for Halloween but I'm excited to find out. Lovely giveaway!

  78. Finishing making a Hula dancer costume for my daughter and still wondering what the littlest one will be.

  79. What beautiful fabrics! As for halloween....I will be unpacking. We have recently moved and I am still swamped in boxes. The only thing I will be able to manage is handing out candy to the trick or treaters.....I hope my new neighborhood gets plenty of kids!

  80. I sooooo want to try oakshotts! I plan on taking my kidos trick or treating early! It's a school night ,ya know!

  81. I plan on keeping a low profile on Halloween! I live in a college town and things can get pretty crazy!

  82. I am making a fairy costume for my daughter to go trick-or-treating. She is very excited so I hope it turns out!

  83. I am handing out candy at my place and hoping to scare some kids in my dead bride costume!

  84. Not too much planned -- waiting for the kids to show up for their treats :)

  85. I love me some Oakshotts!!!
    Wonderful, Yummy!
    We are having a neighborhood costume contest!

  86. We don't do halloween in our country. But I always made costumes for my children for the Carnival. greetings

  87. We'll be moving into a new house, but I'm sure we'll squeeze in a little trick-or-treating for the kids! Thanks!

  88. I'm actually going to a professional development conference on Holocaust education on Halloween... but I really want to be working at school because it's bound to be festive :)

  89. My kids are grown, and I will be working. Oh well. We had some fantastic Halloweens when they where young.
    quilting dash lady @ comcast dot net

  90. I would be thrilled to have some Oakshott cottons. Our kids are grown so no special plans except to hand out treats to trick-or-treaters. Kickapoosue @ gmail . com

  91. A new Canadian quilt shop to check out, yay! For Halloween, I am hoping to wear a mask to work, and then chill at home with some horror movies and candy for the trick or treaters.

  92. I love these fabrics ... Although my kids are great, this year I decided to make a scarecrow...

  93. I will taking my kids around trick or treating this year. My 2 year old daughter is going to be a butterfly and my 5 year old son will be Harry Potter.

  94. I'm helping a friend make a costume for her son but that's about it for my Halloween plans. I always loved making costumes for my son but now he's outgrown that, so this will be a good substitute.

  95. On Halloween I'll be dressing up, buying sweets and hoping the neighborhood kids come by so I can open the door in my witchy witch costume and scare the living daylights out of them!! No seriously, the kids will hold me back and we'll all ahve a lot of fun!

  96. hoping to get a visit from our new granddaughter for Halloween - although I'll reserve the candy for the other kids that come to the door!

  97. Trying to save some of the candy for the kids.

  98. I am not planning much for Halloween, just a big bag of goodies by the door.

  99. Love these Oakshotts! I will be hanging out at home passing out candy to all the cuties with my fiancee and dog. Woohoo. Lowkey is the way to go.

  100. For Halloween we'll all dress up (with the exception of my hubby, of course), and go down our town's main street where there is a Halloween festival of sorts. The kids get to trick-or-treat and participate in all sorts of games. Lots of fun for all!

  101. Not being a fan of Halloween at all, I'm limiting my crafty energy to just fix my son's costume, I made it a few years ago for my daughter and they wore it so much that it had quite a few stains and holes in it, an easy fix and he's excited to be an Ugly doll, just like his sister was a while back.

  102. We don't celebrate Halloween, so it will just be a normal day for us. We do love autumn though. =) Thanks for a chance to win.

  103. For Halloween I am dressing my boys up as Daniel Tiger and a bear cub. Those rubies would make a lovely modern maples table runner!

  104. I plan on taking my little guy trick or treating on Main Street during lunch and then both boys around the neighborhood that night. My little guy is an airplane and my big guy is Jake from the Never Land Pirates.

  105. I am going to try not to eat too much candy as I give candy out to the enormous quantity of kids in our area :)

  106. I am packing trat bags and then going to dress up as the mad quilter and going to the sale at my local quilt shop. If you dress up you get an extra fifteen percent off your purchase.

  107. I'm a scrouge. I'm going to turn out the light and pretend I'm not home

  108. I haven't used those colors prominently before, thanks either way!

    1. Oops, I intend to stay home while dad takes the little ones out. No one comes to our rural home but Halloween gives me creative time to myself!

  109. I am hoping our neighbours children may pop round to get some halloween barm brack! When I was a child there were all sorts of secret goodies in it, a wedding ring, a pea, a bean, a pice of rag, an old stick, as 'fortune tellers'. Sadly, I think these ' non food' items are no longer allowed, as they are a 'choking hazard' Used to be fun though.

  110. For Halloween I'm handing out candy to the neighborhood kids.

  111. My daughter will be an elf. I made the top for her costume yesterday.

  112. My 4 year old niece is coming over to play that day so I will be forcing the children to make halloween biscuits, carve pumpkins and play John Brown's body (er maybe not the last bit - might be a bit scary for the 4 year old!)

  113. I'll be handing out treats to our local children. Thanks for the opportunity on a great draw

  114. Eating pumpkin pie, hopefully, unless we have missed the ferry home!

  115. Having a little party at the house. Can't wait!

  116. Thank you for offering this chance to get our hands on some Oakshott to work with and a great pattern. For Halloween, I will be attempting to carve a pumpkin and toast the seeds with some savory flavorings.

  117. I don't do much for Halloween- I save my costuming for Mardi Gras!

  118. I have no plans for Halloween. Is that sad? Probably but I'm a billy no mates and nobody invites me to parties. :-( (I wonder if that's the right amount of sympathy touting for Mr RNG to pick me?)

  119. We don't celebrate Haloween here in Holland, so I'm working that evening.
    thankd for the chance to win :-)

  120. hiya! I live on a cul de sac and on Halloween our neighbors gather in front of my neighbors house in the street with a firepit, wine and give out our candy together, it's so fun!

  121. En France Halloween n'est pas beaucoup fêté, mais j'achèterai quand même des bonbons pour mon petit garçon!!!

  122. We will be going trick or treating with our grandkids. I love to see all the kids in their costumes.
    As far as the Ruby Oakshotts...gorgeous giveaway.

  123. My only plans are to give treats to the tricker treaters!! Thanks for having this awesome giveaway... I love the pattern and fabric colours, so if I won I would make one exactly like it!!

  124. No plans for Halloween, they don't celebrate it here in Mexico like they do in other countries.
    Thank you for the chance to win.
    thelady @

  125. I'm planning on putting on my witch hat and handing out goodies to the trick or treaters.


  127. Saddly I live in a gated community now and get no trick or treaters - used to love seeing all the costumes. My daughter and her triplets live far away and I already sent them their costumes so I will be waiting for pics - the trips are 15 mo old and are amazing - I am totally in love with the colors in this range of fabrics - would love to be able to feel them - always enjoy feeling fabric to test it.

  128. I will stay home and welcome all the little goblins that appear at my door! Love, love the give away!

  129. Our church hosts a Harvestfest - games with candy for prizes, dinner, a bake sale, and it's always lots of fun :) Plus where we live it usually rains, so the kids stay dry this way.

  130. I Will be home giving out lots of candy! Thank you for the giveaway.

    amyd14_1999 @ yahoo. com

  131. Nothing at all. Halloween just isn't that big a deal here. And since we live across the street from a cemetery, we don't tend to get a lot of trick or treaters either. I still buy treats just in case, but the kids are few and far between. Too bad, because I really enjoy their costumes. Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity.

  132. My kids are all grown so I kind of bypass Halloween! We have so few trick-or-treaters, I pretty much ignore it. I used to buy candy, but so much was left over (which I don't need) that I don't buy it anymore. Guess I'm the Halloween grinch!

  133. Halloween is a snacks night in for us--jumping to answer the door--love those oakshots...Julierose

  134. We dont really "do" Halloween, and there aren't even any visitors on the night- it just feels a bit too commercialised for me. So, i guess I'll be sewing then, something for Christmas, which isn't even slightly commercialised of course! ; ) Ange

  135. I am planning on staying home and handing out candy to the trick or treaters!

  136. I live out in the country and don't have any trick-or-treaters, so we don't do Halloween...

  137. I have been itching for some oakshots for a few months! We do not celebrate Halloween and so I think that night will be movie night at our house.

  138. I plan on working on some Christmas gifts on Halloween. Thanks for the sweet giveaway!

  139. I plan to dress up as a garbage collector and make trash jokes with the kids as I hand out candy! :)

    What a wonderful giveaway! Thank you for hosting it, and please thank Chantal for providing the prize for it!

  140. Definitely taking our daughter and her friends trick or treating! Hopefully the weather will be nice. Thanks to all for the gorgeous giveaway!

  141. I don't have any special plans for Halloween. Just give out candy to the neighborhood kids.

  142. This will be the first Halloween I will be staying home. My husband is taking my youngest trick-or-treating and my ildest is going to a dance. I am getting some medical treatment that day so will be home recuperating for the night.

  143. We went out today and bought the kids' costumes (UGH! Never again by myself!). The library is having a trick-or-treat/Halloween party thing, and then we'll be going around the neighborhood. I'll probably be the one sitting at home handing out candy, which is just fine with me. :-)

  144. Eat lots of candy! Give away lots of candy!

  145. One of my adult children usually has a party and my husband and myself always manage to just drop in to say hello. This year our middle daughter is hosting a party (it's on the 27th) and on the 31st, we will be shelling out to all the little ones that come to our door.

  146. Sad as it can be we will be hiding. We have two big german shepherds who go crazy when the doorbell rings and when they hear all the children, only because they want to play with them. We will probably take the dogs for a drive to help calm them down.

  147. Heading to our church's Trunk or Treat to pass out candy to the community!

  148. Don't really have plans for Halloween this year, but I'm sure it will be fun to hand out candy to the parade of dressed-up kiddos!!

  149. I still have to sew a Tea Bag costume and find the accessories for my Policeman! And then put up the decorations... On Halloween I usually take the kids out trick-or-treating. Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  150. I don't plan anything for Halloween. Traditionally in Poland there is no such a thing as Halloween (understood as trick or treat fun). We have rather quiet and nostalgic time spend on prayers for relatives, who passed away. Of course some people in Poland adopted foreign traditions related to Halloween, but I'm not in this group. Well, I'm traditionalist:)

  151. Wow, so beautiful. I would make a wall hanging for my new sewing room. Thanks for the chance to win.
    Helen at

  152. thank you for the chance to win. I will be hoping that we get more than one tricker treater this year so I don't end up eating all the

  153. Wow, so beautiful. I would make a wall hanging for my new sewing room. Thanks for the chance to win.
    Helen at

  154. I love red! I so hope to win! I'm taking my two little boys trick-or-treating on Halloween.

  155. My plans are to work. Though I work at Toys R Us so it's a fun place to be on Halloween! Thanks!
    gussek @ hotmail . com

  156. We're going to have an early Halloween night this year because we're heading to Disneyland the next morning! I've become a bit of a grouch when it comes to kids trick-or-treating at my house now that I have kids of my own who go to bed early.

  157. Halloween - regular night - don't celebrate it. Christmas? You bet! Don't you think those reds would be good for Christmas? Thanks for the opportunity to win. -- use this e-mail, not gmail: jdm @

  158. Love these fabrics!
    We're just looking forward to trick-or-treating and carving pumpkins--we've got a pumpkin that is a long oval shape, and my husband is going to carve it like an M&M and put Mr. Potato Head arms in the sides. Should be cute.

  159. Halloween will involve whatever Centre Parcs has on offer, and store bought pizzas most likely. Certainly not housework, cooking, or anything resembling work. Woohoo!

  160. We enjoy family night at home with popcorn balls and a movie on Halloween. Thanks for the giveaway!

  161. This year for Halloween, we plan a pretty quiet evening passing out candy and seeing all the wonderful costumes the children are wearing. I tried to talk my daughter into letting me make her a costume this year. She laughed at me. I guess being 16 years old is a little too old! ahahhah Ahhh, how I miss the days when she was young and I would be busy making her costume.
    khauglan @ yahoo dot com

  162. Would love, love, love to win these - they're beautiful!

  163. That's great that Hyggeligt has Oakshott now - I've purchased Liberty from them before, they have great prices. For Halloween, I will be taking my three little Trick or Treaters around the 'hood, although they still haven't decided on costumes!

  164. Halloween is not big here in Wales. Bonfire night is more popular but no children at home and Mr Hare is working late so I'll probably stay at home and watch the fireworks from afar.

  165. We're going to be leaving the next day for a long weekend get together with my Dad & 3 sisters (12 hour drive), so I plan to go to bed early on Halloween. Thanks for the giveaway.

  166. Halloween means it's time for Christmas sewing!! After a stop at Mom's to wish her a happy birthday :)

  167. I have always loved Halloween but living where we do rarely do kids come down our street. It's only got one street light and only four houses on the entire block so it's not really condusive to collecting the hoards of candy most are hoping for. Plus the big thing now adays seems to be the "Trunk or Treat' thing where parents all go to the school parking lot and pass out candy to the kids in one spot where they go from car to car. It really makes me sad that this is what Halloween Trick or Treat has become.

    We have three grandchildren but two of them are still too young to go trick or treating as they are only 1 yr and 8 months old but we do have a 5 yr old Granddaughter. I doubt she'll come to our house though as they live a little further away. Our 8 month old Granddaughter lives with us so I'm sure we'll see her in her little outfit they found at the Salvation Army store to save money. It's a pea pod so I can't wait to see her in that.
    soooooooo I guess hubby and I will support the candy companies and sit around and watch tv and eat some candy. LOL

  168. we buy some candy just in case the grandkids come buy

  169. I'm hopefully going to be taking my 5 year old nephew trick or treating round his neighbourhood! Love the Oakshot cottons and your table runner!

  170. i plan on joining the community halloween party! there'll be games, skits, music, prizes, and food, fun for all! i'm bringing a salad and prizes for kiddie games.

  171. Trick or treating with the child in our townhouse complex, and handing out candy to the few kids who venture to the back of our courtyard! Thanks for the giveaway - off I go to the website to check out that free shipping!

  172. The Czechs don't do Halloween. It a special day for paying your respects to the dead members of your family. They go to the cemetery and lay flowers and light candles. Sounds bizarrely but it's an interesting night for a walk around the graveyard!

  173. I love to dress up and hand out candy! I am a witch this year!

  174. This is my first year living away from my parents, so i'm excited to be in a house and be able to be handing our candy to trick or treaters!! I feel like a grown-up :)

  175. It's not big here Halloween but it's catching on weirdly...I don't know, dress up like a ghost and scare my 4 year old?? No, that's a bit mean. Eat sweets?

  176. I'll be handing out candy to the little cute ghosts coning my way! :)

  177. I'll be handing out candy to our trick-or-treaters, of course. :) Then eating the left over spoils most likely! lol These are gorgeous! Thanks for the chance.

  178. It's my other half's 50th birthday on Halloween so we will be partying that night although he hates to dress up - childhood memories of every birthday at Halloween.

  179. This year Halloween falls on my art group night so I am trying to decide if I should cancel it or not and stay home to give out candy... problem is, last year the trick or treaters lasted for all of 20 minutes LOL!

  180. I would love to try these fabrics! thanks for the giveaway!

  181. They are beautiful colours. I would love to try them.

  182. I'm working Halloween, but will try to get home to give out treats

  183. I will be ferrying my daughter to dance class and Girls Brigade. She will be dress as a cookie sheet with a giant gingerbread man on it! She is 15!

  184. Hmmm...heading out with my two boys who will be dressed as monsters to join a great group of local kids to walk the streets and have some fun! marzyl @ d-i-g . com . au

  185. taking the kiddos trick or treating and going to 2 adult costume parties. I love Halloweeen

  186. I have nothing planned at all for Halloween since it's my husband's bowling night, I may go sit and watch him bowl and swear while I have a beer though!

  187. I am terrible at Halloween. I will likely just be at home, eating all the candy that we invariably buy too much of. Apparently buying two costco sized bags of Halloween candy is overkill for the 6-8 people we get ever year. ;)

  188. Just handing out candy. Nothing special. Thanks for the chance!

    Also - Oakshott in Canada??? Woohoo!

  189. Shoot - I'm traveling on business for Halloween this year. I love to see the little goblins, and even the teenage goblins. Maybe next year. haileybarb at cox dot net.

  190. Halloween afternoon and evening will be spent at home. The grandnieces come by "sporting" their costumes before going on their trick-r-treat and older neighbors kids stop by after dark. We hand out candy.
    The family already had our big fall party - 22 kids arrived Friday with parents and lots of babies for cookout, games, hayride, and Halloween bags.

  191. What a great giveaway - your runner is beautiful! My plans for Halloween are just the regular giving out candy to the neighborhood kids.

  192. For Halloween I am dressing up with my ugly granny mask and scaring all the neighbourhood kids who knock at the door for candy. awolk at rogers dot com

  193. Halloween is not such a big thing here in Australia & my daughter is an adult, so I don't have plans for the night. I will have some lollies(sweets/candy) on hand in case I have any trick or treating little people at my door. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.


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