MY Wheels are SPINNING with ideas

When Lynne asked me to play with her Wheel block, 
I had many different ideas
roll through my brain....  I played a bit with several ideas
and settled on making some FABRIC from scraps to see if it might
play nicely with the design.

 I didn't put much thought into the color choices... 
I pulled what I love...and added Cheddar!  Can't go wrong with cheddar!
 I cut out 11 cheddar wedges and 11 Made fabric wedges
I found when I printed out the pattern, Smaller (3.75" ) that I had to add a 
wedge to make my circle flat. (22 total)

Once I had sewn together the circle pieces I had to make some decisions 
about what would happen next... 
I never know ahead what I am doing, I let it come to me in the moment...

Would I want POINTS or RANDOM SOLID BLOCKS to go around the Circle?
or would just adding more made fabric be enough?
Would the cheddar stand out enough on it's own?

Just keep playing and see what transpires!

It's always a good lesson in making your own templates while playing....
Try new things and ride the creative adventure!

 In the end, I really liked how the MADE fabric looked with the cheddar wheel!

Having just seen the red and white quilt show, 
I had another idea that I wanted to try, based on the quilt below. 
Embroidery to accent!

I LOVED this quilt...
My absolute favorite in the whole show...

My attempts at embroidery (also new to me)
took about 6 spokes before I got the hang of it...
It was worth the play! I love how it turned out!
I plan on doing more of these,
but for now, this little guy, will be a 12" x 12" Mini.... 

I can look at it and see what I learned, what I practiced
and what I can try new net time...

That's what Play is all about....

Thanks Lynne for INSPIRING ME to try more new things!



  1. So fun....looks great. I can't wait to get home and start playing with this block myself.

  2. VERY cool! I guess it's that "What if?" that keeps the creative juices flowing!

  3. Wow, Your little quilt is really cute. I think it looks good both with and without the embroidery.

  4. So bright, sunny and optimistic and I love the scrappy alternate spokes and background, wonderful!

  5. Victoria is one of my inspirations and as usual, I am encouraged to just play around with stuff. Thanks!

  6. great inspiration from the red and white quilt. I absolutely love your version, it's really quite lovely!

  7. Oooo! Love this Victoria!! It's all vintagey and bright at the same time. Cheddar is fab.

  8. Though not the same fabrics, I like how the red and white polka dot strip ties in with the binding.

  9. Looks great, love the bright colours.

  10. Can you tell I am behind in reading? These are amazing...very impressive

  11. How neat and love the added embrodiery. I think I will start saving even my itsy bitsy scraps.

  12. Thanks All! It was so fun to make, it went together so quickly and I loved learning the stitches for embroidery as I did it! Just need more time to make more! now go PLAY! ;-)


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