It's my Blogaversary

Happy April Fool's Day, the date on which I started my blog two years ago.  There have been lots and lots and lots of highlights of quilting and blogging.  First and foremost the friends I have made, both online and in real life, both here in the UK and all around the world, people who share the passion and don't think I'm a loser for being a quilter.  Second the joy of sewing, quilting, making, crafting - making something to keep my kids warm when they're watching tv on the sofa on a Saturday morning.  Third has been joining the Fat Quarterly team - that still makes me feel like I won the X Factor.  But this week has probably been one of the best ever on the blog because of the serendipitous meeting last weekend with my sister's friend who told me about Siblings Together.  Your fabulous response to my request for your help to provide quilts for summer camps for siblings separated by the care system has made my day, week, month and year.

Spread the word

But I still need to show a photo of something I've made and today it is the turn of the final part of my three-part foundation paper piecing workshop for the Fat Quarterly retreat in London in June.  It's a complete re-design and re-scaling of the double circle of flying geese block - a lovely big 20" and pieced completely differently.  For anyone not going to London, the pattern for this will appear in the special retreat issue of Fat Quarterly, available free to all attendees and to buy for everyone else.  Once again I used Curio and Etchings for this pillow for a lovely vintagey feel.

What about you?  What have you worked on this month?  Any finishes?  Maybe a mosaic of everything you've been doing?  One favourite thing?  Link up at the bottom of this post to share what you've been working on. If you do link up, how about visiting at least four of the other blogs who link up - two above you and two below you - and stopping to leave a comment as well as visiting back anyone who visits you. As always here's the button to grab:
Lily's Quilts
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And link up in the second linky if you are a blog with fewer than 50 followers and would like to get to know a few more people out there in blogland. Write a post about this feature, add this button and then link up.
Lily's Quilts
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Lily's Quilts"><img src="" alt="Lily's Quilts" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Next go and visit and get to know at least four other linked blogs - starting with the two above you in the linkys and the two below you. Visit those blogs, leave a comment, click to follow and visit that blog regularly over the next few weeks. Visit more if you have the time. And also visit back any new bloggers who come to visit you and get to know them and their blogs.


  1. Happy happy blogaversary Lynne - you make the quilting corner of the blogasphere a more colourful, funny, less geeky and all round better place. Love that you started on April Fool`s Day..was that another `here goes nothing` moment as you hit the publish button? How wrong you were. Love your cushion and can`t wait to join the curtsey queue around the Natural History museum to meet you in June.

  2. Happy Blog Anniverssary Lynne! I thought you were having a blog much longer. You’ve achieved so much! Thanks for being an inspiration!

  3. Happy Blogaversary! It's amazing what progress you have made in 2 years! You really do have the X Factor :-) I remember reading your blog when you had 37 followers....Keep on doing what you do, you rock!

  4. wow, just look at all you have acheived in the last two years. Congratulations! So looking forward to participating in your class in June

  5. Happy blogaversary pal ;o)
    I had a great quilting workshop day yesterday - hopefully I'll get photos to share later - great progress on 2 quilts.....
    Your cushion are great and sure to be a big hit at the workshops in June

  6. Woo hoo! Hope you're having cake :)
    Great cushion and I can't wait for June! X

  7. Happy blogaversary! How exciting :)

    Love your cushion - just gorgeous!

  8. Happy, happy blogaversary Lynne! What a fabulous day that was when you free-motioned into our quilting lives! xx

  9. Happy Blogaversary!!! =)

  10. I love looking around your blog on a regular basis. You are an inspiration. Thanks for the Small Blog link. I have added this to my blog and look forward to meeting other new bloggers.

  11. Happy blogaversary Lynne!
    And as always, many more to come :)

  12. Happy, happy, Blogaversary!!!

  13. Happy Blogaversary! It happens to be my birthday too! I'm so thankful for your blog and all the creativity you share. When I grow up (lol), I want to be just like you!

  14. Congratulations on your blogiversary, Lynne! I love your blog -- keep up the great work!

  15. Congratulations on reaching your second blogaversary. You are a real inspiration to many bloggers, myself included. Here's to many more inspirational years of blogging!

  16. Happy blog birthday! I have been reading your blog for much of its life and I always enjoy it and look forward to reading it in the future. The Siblings Together project is a wonderful idea and I am so glad you decided to just give it a try. Love your pillow too!

  17. I had a dyslexic moment and read it as My Bio Gay versary and thought, what?

  18. Two years, congrats, it has whizzed by. You just know good stuff is going to keep on coming too x

  19. Two years is wonderful, you've gotten lots done and shared so much ~ which I'm really grateful for. It's just lovely to follow someone's journey and see how they've progressed.
    I actually have gotten lots done this month, tho it's doesn't feel like it as it's mostly been blocks finished but not put together yet.
    Here's to another great year!

  20. Congratulations on two years. Its gone by so fast. I so glad you started blogging, would I ever have tackled curves without your dresden qal? I think not!

  21. Happy 2nd bloggy birthday! You make the quilting world a better place to be and I'm so glad I found your blog - you've brought all us Brit quilters together and made us feel like a community and for that we owe you a huge thank you! And maybe a pat on the back?!

  22. Happy blogiversary! The blogging/quilting world would not be the same without you. : )

  23. happy blogaversary and thank you for sharing all your lovely quiltiness with us your readers! thanks for hosting the SBM and FSD too. I can't believe it has only been 2 years! You are an inspiration! xxxxx

  24. Happy Blogiversary!

  25. Happy anniversary! Looking forward to seeing what you get up to for many years to come...

  26. Happy Blogaversary!
    Congrats on all that you've achieved so far - hope you're VERY proud of the Siblings Together appeal - and thanks for being an inspiration to us lesser mortals :)
    Another great cushion too!

  27. Happy Blogaversary Lynne. I am so happy you decided to start blogging 2 years ago, cause you have given us so much! Thank you!!!

  28. Happy blogiversary, here's to many more! x

  29. Happy blogaversary to one of my favourite people. xxx

  30. It takes a brave woman to start a blog on April Fools Day. I'm so glad you did. Congrats on two years of wonderful blogging.

  31. YIPPEE!!!
    Happy Blogiversary to you! I think you're a wonderfully talented, funny woman and amazing quilter! So glad you're on the scene to inspire all of us :O)

  32. Happy Blogaversary Lynne, wow only 2 years, what a lot you have achieved in such a short space of time. Congratulations x

  33. Congratulations on all that you have accomplished this year and especially this week with your charity endeavors! Thanks for hosting the monthly linky!

  34. Happy blogaversary! Wishing you continued success!

  35. Happy Blogaversary! I enjoy reading your posts and seeing your creations. Thanks for the Small New Blog link up, I just started blogging and have always enjoyed finding other peoples new blogs through your website. Congrats on two years!

  36. Happy happy blogaversary! Thank you for making my experience in the blogosphere a much more lovely one!

  37. Happy Blogaversary! I constantly feel inspired by your lovely blog (I think that I also have to copy your copy of the hexy quilt lol!) and I also find that with these fresh sewing days I get re-inspired by seeing all the things I have created over the month, not to mention getting to peruse everyone else's eye-candy! Thanks for so much inspiration. :)

  38. Happy blogaversary! Thanks for running the Small blog meet - I've met some fab bloggers through it

  39. Happy happy bloggy day. You are awesome. That is all x

  40. Happy Blogaversary - Love your link ups.

  41. Happy blogaversary! It was such a pleasure for me to discover your blog last summer...I hope you feel inspired to coordinate another QAL :)

  42. Oh my! I came to your blog via Daisy and Jack blog and just love your double circle flying geese pillow! That design is stunning. I've done many of the "traditional" circle of geese, but this one is even more spectacular. Love it!


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