Fresh Sewing Day + Small Blog Meet

It's 1 September and here we are back at FSD and SBM. Link up at the end with a blogpost showing off something you've been working on this month for FSD and/or with a blogpost introducing yourself and your blog if you're a small or new blog. This time, a small blog is any blog with 50 followers or fewer just to widen the net a bit. And the same rules apply - visit and click to follow as many of the other small new blogs as you have time to visit and try to visit back and follow as many of those who visit you as you can. August was my holiday month so the sewing in the mosaic is decidedly summery.

Here are the buttons again to add it into your post.

Fresh Sewing Day
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Fresh Sewing Day"><img src="" alt="Fresh Sewing Day" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Small Blog Meet Button.

Small Blog Meet
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Small Blog Meet"><img src="" alt="Small Blog Meet" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

And I thought it might be fun for anyone who has a moment to leave comments with your top tips for new or smaller bloggers who want to grow their blog following. And now for the linkys:

Fresh Sewing Day Linky

1. Isisjem  21. Christin's August Creations  41. A Blond Quilts  
2. Lynz at DL&M  22. Diary of a Flutter.Kat  42. rosa  
3. making rebecca lynne  23. Jo @ a life in lists  43. KellyS @ Live.Love.Create.  
4. Scissors&Thread  24. Marjorie  44. Enchanted Bobbin's August stitching  
5. Little Cottage Comforts  25. Listen To The Birds Sing  45. diane stanley  
6. Suleons Flickwerk  26. melinda @ quirky granola girl  46. throw a wench in the works  
7. Flying Blind's Awesome August  27. Lindsay Sews  47. Riel@The Q and the U  
8. Trudi - Quilting Prolifically  28. Sarah @ narcoleptic in a cupboard  48. A Basket of Strawberrypi  
9. Where the Orchids Grow  29. Jess @ Quilty Habit  49. Debbie  
10. Nicky @ Mrs Sew & Sow  30. Threads of Conversation  50. QuokkaQuilts  
11. Sheila's Hexie obsession  31. verykerryberry  51. Kirsten @ gemini stitches  
12. Rags to Bags August Roundup  32. Patti  52. What Comes Next?  
13. Maria - madebymariah  33. Our Busy Little Bunch  53. tusen@a quilt, maybe  
14. stitching up a storm  34. Kelly @ Blue Bird Sews  54. Leanne @ she can quilt  
15. Shiree  35. Julianna  55. Terri S.  
16. Hoosier Toni  36. SoSarahSews  56. Sandy Rowe  
17. Pink Alert - Peppermint Sparkle!  37. Ethne @ Flamingstitches  57. Krista  
18. Patchwork Duck - Circle Game!  38. Girl For All Seasons  58. svetlana  
19. Nic @ dragonrambles  39. Pingaling  59. My Life as a Quilter  
20. Tilda's Twisted  40. Billy Button Design  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Small Blog Meet Linkys Here

1. Linda  25. Danielle Coolbear Jenkins  49. Utterly Epic  
2. Scissors&Thread  26. Patti  50. Fresh Raspberry Quilts  
3. Natalie @ The Orange Kitty Workshop  27. SoSarahSews  51. Barbara "B" Cain  
4. Carla  28. North Star Quilting  52. Tinking Along  
5. Fat 1/4s and Bobbins  29. making rebecca lynne  53. Annaliese @ The Pewter Acorn  
6. Polka Dots and Pastries  30. Jane  54. Nonnie  
7. Seriously..I think it needs stitches.  31. Billy Button Design  55. tusen@a quilt, maybe  
8. shocking hocking  32. Sewing By Stephanie  56. Grace  
9. Suleons  33. Unconventional Katie  57. iquiltforfun  
10. sandrakaye  34. The Quilted Tortoise  58. Spicemuffin  
11. Maria - madebymariah  35. Cindy at Spin the Bobbin  59. Susan  
12. Sew Nicely  36. Sana Saroti  60. Loves to Quilt  
13. Sharon - Lilabelle Lane  37. throw a wench in the works  61. gio @ FrequentFrenzy  
14. Charm Aboout You  38. Marianne  62. Hitch & Thread  
15. Danielle @petitselefants  39. Michelle  63. Daisy Made It  
16. Shiree  40. Sew-Happy House  64. Maverick Quilts  
17. Hoosier Toni  41. Tammy  65. Catherine - Blue Square Quilting  
18. Patchwork Duck Designs  42. Jamie Lee  66. Vals Quilting  
19. KellyS @ Live.Love.Create.  43. Kirsten @ gemini stitches  67. Two little cabbages & cie  
20. Listen To The Birds Sing  44. Happy Dance Quilting  68. Emma - Quilties  
21. Laura of Ruby Grey Studio  45. Linda - Little Bits & Pieces  69. From the Walpole Woods  
22. Just Sew Blossom  46. Judy@Fundamentally Fiber  70. Katie Chu  
23. Krista @ Krista Stitched  47. Janice Elaine Sews  71. Cherise @ sewingly along  
24. Steph :)  48. MoodyBlue  72. collette  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. My blog following grew by visiting lots of other blogs, commenting and following them - no one will know that you are blogging unless you go out and introduce yourself. It's just like a big party where you don't know anyone - you have to go up and say hello to people!

    Pomona x

  2. Hi,
    seems that part of your site aren't working in Firefox 6.0.1 anymore. The linky buttons and comment buttons don't work. I had to use IE8.

    I love quilt alongs and swaps/bees. You get to know a lot of other quilters and some may follow your blog.


  3. Suzanne - I was having a problem - think it doesn't like it when someone-else is commenting as OK now x

    Newbies, post loads to flickr with links back to your blog, comment loads on other blogs; be nice, don't overtly promote your blog in the wrong places as it puts people off, but make good use of the Lily's Quilts flickr threads, join in swaps and QALs and have fun - do not take it too seriously!

  4. Thanks for helping us baby bloggers to expand!! :):) Sandie

  5. What Pomona said is spot on. Visit other blogs. Get commenting and get known. Like Flying Blind your blog from pictures and 'introduce youerselves' in swap threads over on flickr.

    It took me ages to get any followers but it does seem the more active you are the more followers you'll attract.

    I think it's nice to try and respond to at least some of the comments you get left. People are more likely to keep commenting and interested if they feel you are engaging with them.

  6. I'm still a small blog so am signing up again this month. I've really enjoyed the last month reading other small blogs and seeing the fabulous work created by so many talented folk. I too endorse the comments above. Mind you, I may have to stop soon as more and more of my day is taken up reading all these blogs!!! Thanks for the opportunity.

  7. I agree with the others. Get involved in the blogging world and enjoy it. Join a swap, or a bee, or a qal - or all three. Interact with others. My blog is still small but I get a great deal of joy and laughter through it and the people I have met consequently.

  8. I'm new!! I love looking at new blogs and for me it's such an inspiration :) Thanks for doing this, it's great to meet other who love sewing!
    Lucy xx

  9. Such a great idea Lynne, thanks for hosting. My tip is also to link to your blog when you post a photo in Flickr - I usually pick up a few new followers each time I post a major "finish". Which is not very often! But anyway! I've been having fun checking out some new or small blogs and I have to say, you guys are amazing!

  10. Thanks for hosting again, Lynne. Your followers do a great job showing the new bloggers the ropes. That's so kind!

  11. I'm so excited...I've been waiting for this since you mentioned it a few weeks ago. I really am enjoying meeting new people on your blog and look forward to making new quilting and design friends. I have been studying a bit about the creative mind and the gift of creativity, which I look forward to sharing in the near future on my blog. As well as my designs, WIP's and completed quilts! Laura of Ruby Grey Studio

  12. Thanks for hosting this again--I look forward to it every month!

  13. I was lucky enough to benefit from a huge plug from Lynne just three days after my first post and I'm so very grateful to all the lovely people who stopped by and left a comment and/or decided to follow me so I'm off to share the warm and fuzzies with some others! I heartily agree with all the other comments about commenting on other blogs and being nice! I was recently told that making your comments box a pop-up made it much easier to comment and I haven't got word verification for comments...oh, and make sure you're not a 'no-reply' blogger! Thanks again, Lynne - you're a star!!

  14. P.S. Love your August mosaic - so sunny and inviting!

  15. I have done a page on my blog with lots of blog help/tips/resources on - did add it to the links, can't see it at the moment. Biggest tip- share the love and comment on blogs that you read and pics you look at on Flickr!

  16. Lily, you've been so busy this month! So many hexies and finishes!

  17. New blogger here... You guys are reminding me I have to get my Flickr Acct into order! Thank you for so many awesome tips & more importantly --> ENCOURAGEMENT!

  18. What a great idea!
    I am a beginning blogger with a lot to learn:)

    For me, I like to behave on my blog as I would in real life: be myself, be nice, be interesting, and thank those who make the effort to come and visit you. Even though a blog is generally "all about me" - it's nice to share and acknowledge others - give back, by linking in with other blogs or sites and being free with information.

    PS -: It looks like there are two Kathy's - but one is a misspelt URL that I couldn't work out how to delete!

  19. What a great idea! I can't wait to meet other small bloggers. :)

  20. I'm a new blogger and new quilter, although I always seem to be a bit late to the party... on the subject of which the hexalong - I've been inspired. So never allowing being late to the party to spoil my fun I'll be starting this weekend :) and if after a bit more reading I find small blog meet is a regular feature (great idea) I'll be sure to take part in that as well.

  21. Ahhh. There are too many great blogs to keep up with....I will never get off this computer again!

  22. New blogger here...This is wonderful..Love YOUR blog and would love to expand my group of followers and to follow other great bloggers..

  23. Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to do this. Will be great to see and support the smaller blogs.

    Jan at

  24. Hi there, I am excited at the prospect of meeting others. I took the Small blog Button and added it to my blog but when I click on it I am directed to your August 1 post with only 40 some bloggers on each group. I know there are more than that, when I signed up there over 50. Did I do something wrong??? Thanks

  25. I have been blogging for a couple of years, but am still a small blogger. I love quilting and traveling to other blogs to see what other quilters are doing. Thanks for the opportunity!

  26. RE: Small Blog Meet

    Lynne, just want to thank you for this. I don't get many hits on my blog - mostly do it for gearing up for a real one - so this is really fun! Thank you.

  27. Forgot to say my blog is Happy Dance Quiting at Wordpress. :)

  28. I have been blogging all year, but have been keeping too much to myself. Now that I am searching for other bloggers, I find that there are some very wonderful quilters out there!
    Thank you for the invitation to join the small blog meet. I am enjoying visiting everyone.
    Please stop by and say hi at Don't be afraid of my cuckoo alter ego Mavis Quinn who sometimes posts on my blog - she is harmless (mostly).

  29. Tip for Blogspot bloggers - many people can't comment from their blogging (Google) account if comments are set to appear under the post. It needs to be a pop out window or a new full page like on this blog. I've tried to comment on so many blogs from SBM but can't due to this!!
    Also, for some silly reason (Blogger likes to play up) unless you have the Google Follower Widget, I can't follow either. But I have followed those that do have this, even if I can't comment.

  30. I found out about this through Susans blog. What a generous thing to do:) I love sharing blogs I love and find with people too:)
    Because I run my blog through my own domain sometimes blogspot doesn't allow me to leave a comment. I need the URL option. But when ever I can I leave comment for people and hope the same in return:) agree with many commenters before me!
    Valerie Moss
    Chestermere, Alberta, Canada

  31. Thank you for hosting this lovely linky party! I've been blogging for seven months now and I so enjoy seeing other peoples' work, both their sewing/crafting and their blogs. It's very inspiring and it's fun to get to know people this way, particularly for those of us (like me) who don't really having any sewing friends in "real" life.


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