Farmer's Wives Fresh Sewing and Giveaway Day

We have a special Farmer's Wives Fresh Sewing and Giveaway Day today - fresh from all the fun and excitement of the Farmer's Wife QAL over on Flickr, I would love you to share anything you have been working on this month in the linky at the bottom of the page and, if you can share a FWQAL post, that would be wonderful.  Include FWQAL in the link title so we know where to find those.  And we have a double FWQAL giveaway, open to all but with a bonus comment for any of you in the FWQAL.

Firstly since I had a bit of a facelift this month, here's the new button if you fancy grabbing it:

Fresh Sewing Day
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Fresh Sewing Day"><img src="" alt="Fresh Sewing Day" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

For the first part of the giveaway, Sew Fresh Fabrics are giving away 5 FWQAL scrap bags (containing the equivalent of approx 2 yds of fabric), one to celebrate each week of the FWQAL so far.  We came up with the idea after reading that so many people are doing this QAL from their scraps and thought it might be fun to have a few more to play with.  Of course you can also have a chance of winning one of these bags if you are not in the FWQAL.

FWQAL Giveaway - five scrap packs

And there is another FWQAL-related prize.  Laurie Aaron Hird, who wrote the Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt book is bringing out a new sampler book this autumn.  Called the Farmer's Wife Pony Club, the book showcases a sampler quilt made this time with 8" blocks, which allowed Laurie to design some more intricate blocks.  One reader of this blog will win an advance copy of the book when it arrives in the US later this year - sent to you personally by Laurie when she receives the advance copies.  You will be one of the very first in the whole wide world to have a copy of Laurie's new book.

Laurie has taken the feedback she received on the first book and added in printable full size line diagrams, rotary cutting instructions and foundation paper piecing templates for those of you who prefer piecing other than with templates.

To be in with a chance of winning one of these prizes, you may leave the following comments:

1.   Leave a comment letting us know what you would do with the scraps if you won them.
2.   Leave a "FWQAL bonus comment" if you are participating in the FWQAL.
3.   Leave a comment "LQ follower" if you are a follower of my blog.
4.   Leave a comment "SFF Follower" if you are a follower of the Sew Fresh Fabrics blog.

Winners of all these fabulous giveaways will be announced on the blog a week from today.  The winner of the book will receive it shortly after advance copies are shipped into the US later this year.


  1. he he he ... love being first ;-) oh ... the scraps ... i would so add to my collection of colorful scrap quilts!

  2. OK ... I follow you're blog ... but through Google Reader, which I am not sure shows me up as one of your 'followers' ... anyone know how that works ?

  3. The scraps are lovely and I would also add them to my stash. Its great to know you have a varied stash and that anything can be made from it at any time!

  4. Here's my LQ follower comment! And I have linked my fresh sewing day post (although its not showing yet ?)

  5. I would love to win! I've just decided to join the FWQAL and they would be a welcome addition to the quilt!

  6. I'm participating in the FWQAL!

  7. I'm a follower. A happy follower, I might add. :)

  8. I would probably use these scraps for the FWQAL if I won them, although I might not limit myself if I found a particular scrap or two that I needed for something else. :)

  9. I'm participating in the FWQAL, although I don't have any pics up yet on flickr. I'm still cutting out my templates . . . slowly, but surely I'll get there. I'm in the process of moving, so it's sort of my take along project when I have to wait around for anything, such as at the doctor's office.

  10. As my fabric stash and scrap bag are still quite limited, these scraps would give me a bit more choice when I come to make the FWQ

  11. And I also follow Sew Fresh Fabrics. Again, waiting until I get into my new residence before ordering some fabric from their etsy shop. Been trying to decide which of their new fabrics I really, really need the most. So many choices!!

  12. I have joined the FWQAL on flickr and am just waiting for the book to arrive

  13. I just became a follower of Sew Fresh Fabrics

  14. I am participating in the FWQAL on flickr. I made my first 5 blocks today and will be posting photos this weekend.

  15. I had such a difficult time deciding on fabrics for FWQAL that I think if I won a scrap bag I would use that as a jump off point for fabric selection for the Pony Club book that I am going to win an advance copy of!

  16. Would use the scraps to finally start making some blocks!

  17. I would be making 8" blocks with my scraps.

  18. I am a humble follower of your blog.

  19. I also follow Sew Fresh fabrics.

  20. I am participating in the FWQAL, but haven't made any blocks yet...I hope to get going in a couple of weeks, when my holiday starts!

  21. I would probably make some blocks out of them but not the FW think that is being a little bit ambitious for me. Linda

  22. I am participating in the FWQAL but I have not started sewing up also have issues with my SD memory card!! I hope to be able to do so by end of next week!

  23. If I won the scraps,I would probably use them to make a scrappy Little Big George quilt. Although I wanted to participate in the FWQAL, I've been very busy preparing a quilt sample to display for a class that I will be teaching in the fall. The deadline was July 1, but I was able to get a two week extension.

  24. I am a new blog follower of SewFreshFabrics

  25. Farmer's wife, slightly estranged

  26. If I won some scraps I would make some more FW blocks and turn it into a table topper.

  27. Following, and maybe a bit hormonal this morning hence the odd comments

  28. I would be throwing those scraps at the Farmer's Wife!

  29. I am participating in the FWQAL but have not posted my blocks on flicker (hmm might try that later today), they are however on my blog..

  30. If I won those scraps , I'd probably use the scraps for the FWQAL

  31. I'ld use the scraps for the FWQAL, of course. And maybe the odd wonky star or two. Thanks for the fab giveaway.

  32. I am in the FWQAL. Late arrival but still there.

  33. And I follow Sew Fresh Fabrics too.

  34. I too would be using those scraps for my FWQ! I'm going completely scrappy with mine, but haven't been quilting long enough to acquire a lot of variety.

  35. FWQAL Bonus comment! I joined late in the game, actually just made my first two blocks tonight, just in time to link up for Fresh Sewing Day! I just need some daylight for pics now :)

  36. LQ Follower! Or subscriber. Either way I read your fantastic blog every time you post ;) Thanks for this awesome giveaway!

  37. I am an RSS subscriber to your blog, but not a follower. I just learned the difference. The only blog that I maintain is my member blog within, which is the only social network that I've joined. So far, I've sucessfully avoided Facebook, Twitter, LinkIn, etc.

  38. What great giveaways!
    I'd love to win a green bunch of scraps.

  39. I would use the scraps to make a Paintbox quilt, and perhaps put them toward the "Book of Colors" I'll be making for babies this Christmas.

    wordygirl at earthlink dot net

  40. I am a Lily's Quilt follower.

    wordygirl at earthlink dot net

  41. SFF follower.

    wordygirl at earthlink dot net

  42. mm im thinking fabric buttons and cards. And a scrappy mini quilt to hang up.

  43. Oh, these scraps would definitely make it into my FWQAL project!

  44. FWQAL Bonus Comment: well, I'm signed up and still waffling over which fabrics to use. I had two deadline quilts to make; one down, one to go, and then I'm making FW blocks till the cows come home! (or the farmer, whichever gets there first>)

  45. LQ Follower -- of course!

  46. ...AND I follow Sew Fresh Fabrics (and shop there too, on occasion!)

  47. Yes, I'm a follower, no participant in FWQAL, but have yet to start ...
    I'm not so TURBO, Lynne ...
    I've finally decided on the fabric I'll use: I have so many Kaffe scraps (few green ones, most are blue)

  48. You fixed that technical problem quickly: hurray for Lynne!
    And you know I'm one of your flock!

  49. Ha! I've had the pony club book on my wish list for a while now ... it's why I decided not to do the FWQAL ... I'm saving myself for the ponies ....

    ...ok, I know there aren't real ponies ...

    If I won the fabric I would use it to try a couple of the FWQ blocks to add to my echino quilt. I'm really in love with your FW 2nd scrappy block ... and birds in the air ...

  50. I would make all kinds of stuff with them like bean bags, buttons, cozies and applique.

  51. Hi, I am a LQ follower and if I was lucky enough to win the scraps - it would be just the boost I need to start a scrappy cobweb quilt!

  52. Since you've shown me the way to SFF: I've become a follower of their blog and a fan of their shop: the bundles they offer are great!
    I just ordered 'Anthology Sweet Tooth Fat Quarter Bundle: love that.
    And I saw the A Zig and A Zag Bundle' for the QAL by Cut To Piece.
    I couldn't stop myself: I just HAD TO HAVE IT

  53. I am making the Farmer's Wife quilt from my scrap collection, so that's where the scrap bag would be headed!

    Pomona x

  54. I am also in the FWQAL - joined this week, so I am a bit behind!

    Pomona x

  55. And I am also a Lily's Quilt follower - thank you for such a lovely giveaway, and for organizing the link.

    Pomona x

  56. I would use the scraps for the FWQAL of course! I bought some charm packs recently and they really made a difference to my fabric choices for the blocks. Thanks for the chance Lynne!

  57. I love scraps and I love sampler quilts - I hadn't heard of this until now and its great to what everyone is doing - I would definitely start a new sampler quilt!

  58. I am doing the FWQAL and loving it. I've only done 5 blocks though. I absolutely love your blocks Lynne. Can't wait to see what you girls produce this weekend...

  59. I am a Lily's Quilt follower!

  60. I follow - google reader. thanks for the lovely giveaway. I am loving looking at all the blocks!

  61. if i won the scraps, i would use them to make a baby quilt or two :D

  62. i am a follower of Lily's Quilts! i just love this blog!

  63. i am also a follower of SFF!

  64. I would use those scraps for a bright happy quilt for my kids in the playroom!

  65. Scrappiness equals happiness in my book and I add a little bit of scrappiness to just about every quilt I make. The scraps you have shown are gorgeous and I would love to add them to the mix!

  66. Francesca Dornan1 July 2011 at 11:55

    I would start making my double wedding ring quilt, with the scraps whose templates and instructions have been hanging around for ages now!!!

  67. Would love to have some scraps for future quilts! You've put together some really nice scrap packs!

  68. I just received my FW book and will join the fun when my 4th of July company leave. This scraps would be fun to use for this.

  69. I added Sew Fresh Fabric to my Google Reader.

  70. If i won the scraps, I'd use them for FWQAL of course!

  71. i am participating in the FWQAL - my "updates from the farm" post on Sundays.

  72. I follow you - lovely blog!

  73. The lovely Peg and Becca sponsor my blog - I love their shop and they are great ladies to work with!

  74. Lovely giveaway!
    I'd use the scraps for my FWQAL - I've only made 4 blocks so far, but love it!

  75. Already a LQ follower - love your blog!

  76. SFF follower too, love their blog and shop!

  77. What fabulous giveaways, Lynne, thank you!
    I'd definitely be using a scrap bag for the FWQAL if I were lucky enough to win one :)

  78. I've got my book and am just about ready to get stuck in to the FWQAL.

  79. Yup, faithful LQ follower here :)

  80. SFF follower too! They always have a wonderful fabric range.

  81. Lord only knows what I would do with these scraps. I have been contemplating a scrap quilt but need to create more scraps first. This would help!

  82. Great give away Lynne! If I won I would most likely use the scraps for my FWQAL blocks. If they don't play nicely with my other fabrics I'll make something cute and scrappy.

  83. I'm participating in the Farmer's Wife quilt along.

  84. I am trying to resist joining in the FWQA but alas I fear that resistance is futile so I would use the scraps to start my quilt:)

  85. I follow Sew Fresh Fabrics.

  86. I'm a follower of LQ - who wouldn't?

  87. I would work on my Bottled Rainbows QAL or I would start working on the FWQAL. I haven't started that one because I have dedicated my scrap collection to the bottled rainbows, but if I won, I would have more scraps to go around :)

  88. I'm in FWQAL - you lured me in to that one Lynne!

  89. I`ll playing with them in my Dear Jane blocks.Thanks for the chance!!

  90. I am a follower. Would love to make a scrappy string quilt and this would certainly help me along.

  91. I'd either do a super string quilt or all little equilateral triangles or pyramids, I think it's called, with those wonderful scraps ...yum yum

  92. I also follower SFF.
    Great giveaway.I`d love to have more scrap to play.Thanks

  93. I would try to incorporate them into my FWQ. Can you believe that I still have not received my book from Canada! I have been asking others if they have a copy and I think if it doesn't come by the 15th I am buying it somewhere and swallowing the price! Time to stop being so frugal-just this once!

  94. I am waiting for my farmers wife book to arrive..Im sure the scraps would be useful for that!

  95. I am a follower! love your blog:) Thanks for the giveaway!

  96. I would certainly use the scraps for the FWQAL. Looks like I may also be making Pony Club blocks once that QAL starts, they look pretty nice too.

  97. I would add the scraps to my stash for future projects. I don't have a very big 'scrap' stash yet.

  98. I follow Sew Fresh Fabrics, in fact I am using my Not Afraid of Colour bundle to make my FWQAL blocks.

  99. I am doing the FWQAL too, I am have 10 blocks done.

  100. And I follow Lily's Quilts Blog.

  101. I would SO be using these scraps in my F's new W!

  102. After seeing your fabulousness on Flickr FWQAL. I went out and bought the FW book. But think I might prefer to wait for ponies. I'm drawing my local quilt buddy into this as soon as I get through my daughters wedding. Can't wait to sew again. Would love scraps to get me started.

  103. Yep, I'm in the FWQAL, too.

  104. Following Lily's Quilts.

  105. Following Sew Fresh Fabrics ... Phew!

  106. I am not a "big" project type person. Scraps are perfect for the projects I'm interested in like paper piecing and placemats, etc.

  107. If I won the scraps, I would try some string quilting. I have been seeing these quilts on various blogs but haven't tried any yet. Thanks for the chance.

  108. Didn't mean to post as anonymous. Just now. My bad.

  109. I'm planning a scrappy spiderweb quilt. These would get added to the bucket for that.

  110. I was participating in the FWAQL, but we broke up early. I made 18 blocks and will turn it into a baby quilt.

  111. I've been resisting starting the Farmer's Wife because I have so many unfinished projects already. But I just started drawing the blocks in EQ last night so I wouldn't have to use the templates... if I do decide to start. I am SOOOO glad to hear that her new book includes rotary cutting instructions!! YaY!! Can't wait to see the new book!

  112. If I won the scraps, I'd use them in the scrappy hst quilt I'm starting!

  113. I would use these scraps in my FW quilt, for starters, then move on to something else scrappy. I haven’t ever done a full scrap quilt yet (and have been using a small selection of FQs for the few blocks of FW I have done so far.

  114. I would use the scraps in my FW quilt. I am working with my stash also.

  115. I’m only on my week 2 (and need to work on those blocks tonight), but I am doing the FWQAL!

  116. I follow you, and someday hope to try out your tree block or the army star block. I love your tutorials!

  117. sadly, i'm not part of the FWQAL, there is just way too much going on in my life right now (my wedding is in 2 months, ahhh!) to start another long term project. i love the scraps though, and i'd love to be able to use them in some other scrappy projects i have coming up for the wedding and around the house! thanks so much for the chance!

  118. Blogger isn't letting me comment... If I had a stash of scraps I'd probably join the quilt along!

  119. I'm hoping for the lime scraps which I'd use for a binding on a baby quilt I'm working on.

  120. I am working on the Farmers Wife...although not very quickly....

  121. Absolutely one of your devoted followers.

  122. I would love to add more scraps to my fabric collection(stash)! I would use them in my block of the month swap quilt blocks and stash quilts, of course : )

  123. I am in FWQAL, only 4 blocks so far....looking forward to the next book with more instruction on rotary cutting blocks : )

  124. I am a happy follower of LQ. I have a beautiful circle block to finish that I made in one of your quilt-alongs : )

  125. Oh I hope I win! I really wanted to do the FMQA but I just cant justify the cost of it right now, but joined the group and have been following along.
    As far as the scrap pack goes, not sure what I would do with it, but it looks lovely. Maybe some placemats to brighten up my new (maybe) apartment

  126. I follow sew fresh fabrics blog

  127. I'm doing the FWQAL, using shot cottons, and making comments on the letters each week. It's fun, but some of those blocks sure have lots of little pieces!

  128. Love scraps! Yey! I would probably use them for the next installment of the Brit Quilt Swap... (Please say there's going to be another one Mama?!)Or for my 4x5 bee :-)

  129. And I follow you Lynne Bob!

  130. And I follow Sew Fresh Fabrics, aka. The enablers.

  131. If I was to win those scraps it would be a close toss up between the farmer's wife or making a swoon quilt. Normally I let my fabric decide.

  132. I'm also working on the Farmer's wife quilt along. You can find my last post here:
    The new book look absolutely fabulous. And I love the fact that the author took in to account different piecing methods. Even if I don't win, I'm putting this on my wish list.

  133. I'm an LQ Follower as of today. Does that count?

  134. If I won the scraps then I would start working on the FWQAL. I am very new to quilting and sewing, so I don't have a large scrap stash from which to draw. This would be perfect to allow me to get involved!

  135. I am also a follower of Sew Fresh Fabrics.

  136. Right now, I think I'd use those scraps in my FMQAL quilt! They fit right in with the colors I'm using.

  137. I'm participating in the FWQAL.

  138. I want to make a dotty style dresden style quilt from scraps
    but, my scraps are boooooring!

  139. I am a follower...if I won the scraps I would either use them in a scrappy quilt or tote bag!

  140. If I win the scraps, I will quit procrastinating and join the FWQA! I am loving seeing all the blocks everyone is making but just haven't been able to commit yet...this would definitely push me over the edge though :)

  141. I also follow Sew Fresh Fabrics. Thanks so much for the giveaways!!

  142. I love using scraps in just about anything, but especially log cabin and crazy patchwork. Jxo

  143. I'd use the scraps in a quilt. Thanks for the giveaway!


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