Georgetown Carnival

Well yesterday I played around with Touchdraw (a vector graphics app for iPad) until I ended up with a version on Katy's Spring Carnival which kind of reminded me of Georgetown Circles.  I've made the first trial block and decided to applique it to squared up FQ  and so the Georgetown Carnival block is born.  As ever, if I am just re-making another classic block I've love to know but, until then, it's the Georgetown Carnival.

It uses the same three basic EPP shapes as Spring Carnival so you can get plastic templates from Katy's  etsy shop here and printable templates from a link from the tutorials page on her blog which takes you here. 


  1. that's gorgeous, and HOW did you make it so fast? *in awe*

  2. You’re Speedy Gonzales! Love it!

  3. Very pretty! I know the center 'spring carnival' pattern is called an Amish friendship ring. I love how switching the triangles and squares in the second round creates this beautiful new shape. It sort of reminds me of a compass. You are so clever Lynne!

  4. clever cookie! this is lovely x

  5. Love it. I have a busy day today but tomorrow I hope to cut out fabrics to make this one!

  6. That is truly very very very good indeed

  7. This is fab! The fabric choices just play so well together! I get so excited to see the basic components of something I've done altered so something entirely new is created. Maybe it's one of the reasons I love EPP so.

  8. This block looks so pretty. I was making the spring carnival circles yesterday as I waited for and rode ferries.

  9. Another fantastic block Lynne - you've been gathering up lots of quilt ideas to create your own twist on the block/s - brilliant

  10. Hello Lynne - I have just sent you an email about sponsering on your blog - I was jjust wondering about costs etc - you are probably up to your tonsils - look forward to hearing from you- Gwen

  11. I really love the choice of fabrics here, looks brilliant against the background too.

  12. love everything about this block! :)

  13. Oh, I love it!! Your fabric choice is inspired - you clever thing!

  14. Cunning plan to extend the pattern there missus!

  15. Wow that looks so effective on the backing fabric!! =D

  16. Spectacular is all that comes to mind.

  17. Love the fabrics and colours Lynne! Really focuses on the centre!

  18. I don't think I could create one that fast if I practiced for ten years! Beautiful Lynne!

  19. Stunning! As soon as I finish my Rose Star block quilt, I'll be starting this one.

  20. That's amazing. It shows off all your eye for design and colour.

  21. It's really good to see a new invented block. Your restrained but imaginative palette here works very well.

  22. It's really gorgeous.
    I utterly love it.
    How on earth did you make it so fast?

  23. Hi Lynn:
    If you can share this information so the quilting community can reach out to the dispatchers, first responders, survivors and family members in Aurora I would appreciate it. Information can be found on my blog or FB at
    Quilts go directly to Aurora.

  24. it is utterly gorgeous, Lynne and I am in love with the fabrics you have put together, just beautiful

  25. Thanks for the links. I love EPP at the moment.


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