Go Laura, Go Hadley, Go Marianne

Well three of my quilting friends have hit the jackpot in Amy's Creative Side's Blogger's Quilt Festival and are in the final five in their categories.  If you have a moment to vote for them, hop on over to this post.  Firstly my real life friend with the impossibly glamorous hair, Laura Needles Pins and Baking Tins with her to-die-for Brit Bee Star Beast quilt in the Group/Bee Quilt category.

And secondly mad as a bag of spanner Hadley Flying Blind on a Rocket Cycle with her fabulous rainbow made in cherry quilt in the ROYGBIV quilt category.

And finally, Marianne The Quilting Edge's  extraordinary Oakshott quilt in the pieced quilt category.  I confess this might be my all time favourite quilt ever and a little birdie tells me that anyone going to the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham this year might just get a chance to see it in person on the Oakshott stand but that's not finalised yet.  


  1. Ooooh, wish Marianne was my sister too.

  2. I love all those quilts too.

  3. Three gorgeous quilts :-)

  4. what a coincidence - I had already voted for all three :-D

  5. We are going to have such talent in our midst on the weekend.

  6. All my voting has been done and these quilts got my votes! Di x

  7. Voted in all the categories as soon as it opened and whadda think? I voted for all the above three (of course;-) Congrats ladies, well deserved!

  8. I've voted - the quilts this year have been great (unfortunately mine didn't make the cut ;o( )
    Oh you'll be chuffed if Marianne's quilt is in the show - I wish I could see it in person if it is

  9. Oh, that middle one is so striking!

  10. I have voted and all three quilts that you show here were my selections from the finalists. BTW, I can't believe that your YouTube quilt didn't make it as a finalist. It is my favorite out of all the quilts submitted. My white-on-white handquilted Victorian made it in the handquilted category despite my terrible photographs. I am more than excited about it.

  11. Yay for all three! Off to vote for these fabulous ladies.

  12. These are just beautiful. I have to admit that Marianne's is my favorite. Love the colors and pattern!

  13. That second quilt is just fabulous!

    Amanda Rose

  14. They are all beautiful but Marianne's is just extraordinary!

  15. Oh My Gosh! All 3 quilts are fantastic ~ Laura's especially!

  16. Wow these ladies sure made my day...but as for living inside my head, Patti, it's just plain scary in there, most days. Thanks again. And Laura and Hadley, good luck with your amazing quilts.

  17. Yeah for all three. I voted for them but was disappointed your YouTube quilt was not in the running. I thought it was brilliant

  18. They are all beautiful, but I happened upon that 3rd one last week & have rarely been so taken by a quilt! It is fantastic!

  19. Whoa! Those are some amazing quilts. I'm gonna hop over and get my vote on. Good luck to them :-)

  20. Totally voted for all our pals!

  21. Yup, voted for our mates too, can't believe your u-bend didn't make it through!

  22. Thank you for the shout out - and to all the lovely people above; honestly, as if I didn't have enough to be excited about already this week!!!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. gorgeous quilts - tried to vote but I think I was a bit late ! hope they win though - that oakshotts quilt by marianne is just fabulous !

  25. All three of these are amazing.

  26. Oh my gosh, I've been trying to think of a great way to use that Ikea oversized text print. Just found your blog, now subscribing.


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