And that's what it's all about

So three quilts got wrapped up, boxed up, picked up from my doorstep by the courier and, for a ridiculously small cost of £20, they trekked down through England, across the Channel and then down through France all the way to Mont Blanc or so to arrive chez my sister and to be photographed with her in use and in situ.  There was theyoutube quilt which was a thank you to my sister for so kindly following my blog all this time.   

There was my ginormous swoon quilt which was for my niece with swirly hearts quilted by Tracey Pereira.  

And there was the Comic Book Batman quilt for my superhero nephew which was in the latest Kids issue of Fat Quarterly with my amateur hour quilting.

And photos like this make it all worth while.


  1. I'm with rolleiflex!! And a lump in my throat! xo

  2. It's lovely to share your gift and joy of quilting with your sister and family
    They, I'm sure will be loved, used and cherised

  3. Awwww, so lovely! Giving quilts to your family is the bestest.

  4. Tres bon! I love your quilting on the batman quilt. Not seen it properly till now! Did you do the words and everything? So not amateur hour.

  5. Oh, how absolutely lovely! I trekked through LaGuardia with quilt tops from my mom, to take back to Sweden and finish and I just love them so! Such a nice gift, to give of your time and creativity. I love your Youtube quilt especially, it's a real work of art!

  6. Looks like they know what to do with a quilt! Love the photos.

  7. All three fantastic quilts!! I love what you did with the batman quilt it does not look the least bit amateur to me.

  8. Awesome! Love theyoutube quilt.

  9. Those pics are fantastic.

    Your YouTube quilt is just toooo cool for school.

    Can't wait for the QAL

  10. The quilts look even better being loved by the kids!

  11. How rewarding to see the smiles on their faces!

  12. What priceless photos! And I love the quilting on Batman! Adding the words in was the perfect touch.

  13. how lucky your family gets to know of your love for them every time they use a quilt. They quilts are wonderful, as are the photos.

  14. What a fantastic "thank you" those pics are :)

  15. All 3 quilts are wonderful! Family heirlooms at the point of creation. Sigh!

  16. That’s what it’s all about indeed. Maybe I love the Batman quilting the best, because it’s so Lynne and so special!

  17. How fun to see your family appreciating your quilts. (just like us!)

  18. Oh wow Lynne, how did I not see it before, the batman quilting is AWESOME! Holy Haberdashery Batman!!! (favouritest Robin quote ever) I say it again. Very lucky sister :-)

  19. I'm looking at this on the iPhone. The quilts look beautiful and the recipients super happy. I'm going to check them out on the computer later. It's so great to give to those who appreciate your talents.

  20. Such loveliness! It is so great when quilts are appreciated!

  21. Flipping Heck!! Which courier service did you use. Nice quilts by the way!

  22. Your quilts are so beautiful...wonderful pictures of these wonderful quilts with their wonderful families!

  23. Nothing like it is there??

  24. What a great sis you are! The photos are amazing and really show the quilts off!

  25. Love. People (even my husband!) has said, "when are you going to make a quilt to keep for yourself??" But it is posts like these that just make my heart happy to see the love that is shared with a quilt. And as long as my heart goes into my quilts, I am going to keep giving them to the people I love :)

  26. These are beautiful and way more meaningful with the kids laying on them enjoying them!

    Amanda Rose

  27. Great quilts and I love the quilting you did on the Batman quilt!!

  28. Enjoyed, loved, adored! Who can ask for more!

  29. These are just the best quilts. In fact, I had a brainiac idea (in my humble opinion, haha) based on your Penguin quilt. I'll share it with you soon.

  30. I just gave a quilt to my sister too (it was a 1st to me), and I know how you feel. It was worth the time and work!

  31. those quilts look very much appreciated!

  32. Oh they look beautifully settled in, and well appreciated :o)

  33. The quilts look amazing! So great they arrived safely and are being well loved and enjoyed =D

    I'm hosting a new swap over at my blog if anyone is interested please pop over for a look =D

  34. Your quilts are really special, especially the youtube quilt. I also love your ginormous swoon quilt and plan to make one myself someday.

  35. Well-deserved, Rollie! Now everyone in your family will be checking and commenting on the blog every 20 minutes knowing what's at stake! There's no happier feeling for a quilter than seeing their work loved and appreciated. Sweet.

  36. Yolanda, from Mountain House, CA24 May 2012 at 03:28

    Lilly, I love your work!! Your neice and nephews will charish their quilts for life. Keep up the beautiful work. Your blog is always inspirational and sparks my creativity.

  37. Ok, so last night I slept under theyoutube quilt and didn't hear a thing between 11pm and 6am. That happens to me about once a year and NEVER when I'm solely in charge of the aforementioned children. Bliss.

  38. Lovely photos, your quilts are even more beautiful with the kids on them :)

  39. Amateur hour? You haven't been there in a long time, if ever! (Picnic quilt aside *wink*)
    I love the photos - they look so happy!!!


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