Do you like it?

Yes, I'm fishing for compliments.  All this time, I've been making quilts, there's been a tussle between modern and traditional with no clear winners.  Well today I think I've made a modern quilt.  It's not improv but it is simple, bold and, I think, modern.  And I am chuffed to bits.

I quilted it with lines 2" apart to give it the feel of those seventies black leather modular sofas and armchairs.

And though it's been pouring and pouring and pouring with rain all day yesterday and all day today, I couldn't resist hanging it over the fence for a couple of photos because I was so excited to see how it would photograph.  It's all Kaufman Kona solids taken from my Bounty of Basics boxes and I tried to make it not too rainbowy - so I chose sludgier and dustier colours, not that you can tell that from this photo which just makes it look like a big fat rainbow in this weather.

And yes, I'm blatantly fishing for compliments on this one because I feel really really proud of it and of myself for making it.  And it's called "theyoutube" - a quilt for a generation of Youtube kids like mine. 


  1. It's beautiful! I would fish for compliments also!
    Amy @ SewIncrediblyCrAzY

  2. Well, consider this a compliment, because it totally rocks! The rounded corners are perfection.

  3. You SHOULD be proud. The quilt is absolutely gorgeous and YES, it does look modern! Great job!!!

  4. ooooh, yes! It's spectacular! Mod yet retro--how the heck did you pull that off?!

  5. its fantastic, it's modern and the colours pop...I love Kona black :O)

  6. That is an awesome quilt - very fresh!

  7. No, I don't like it, I LOVE it. This quilt is definitely spectacular!

  8. I don't think you need to fish for compliments!! I would tell you it's fabulous without prompting. I love the colors, design, quilting, all of it!!! Please tell me there's a pattern for this. : D

  9. Looks fantastic! Totally modern.

  10. I'm so jealous of your Basics - I love solids and you've done a great job doing them justice. D

  11. I love it! Normally really modern quilts aren't my style but I could totally steal from you with no regret ;) Okay maybe a little since I just wrote my final ethics paper for the semester but give me a couple weeks and I would be really tempted.

  12. Absolutely adore it. I love its use of solids. Very pretty indeed. :)

  13. Your modern quilt is outstanding! It is so very beautiful!

  14. Simple, sophisticated & stunning! Gorgeous, thanks for sharing and inspiring me.

  15. You made an awesome quilt! I love it! And you finished it super fast...! O_o

  16. Really really wow Lynne. It's genius is that it is so simple, I totally love it, I think it might be my fav quilt of yours now (though I have said that before!). You are a total quilty genius!

  17. No sorry I don't like it. Not at all. No I LOVE it! :-)

  18. It's lovely Lynne :-) you should be proud x

  19. It is so pleasing to the eye! I love the clean lines (and curves!)

  20. It`s absolutely fabulous!!

  21. You don't even need to fish for compliments. This finish is a magnet for compliments. I love it too!

  22. It's magnificent!! Hurray, yet another Goldsworthy triumph!

  23. It is absolutely fabulous! You should be proud - if I made something so lovely I think I'd be stopping strangers in the street to show them!

  24. Thumbs up Lynne!!
    Love that you kept the binding dark too, it really is very modern. xx

  25. bright happy quilt, and great use of solids! Way to go Lynne!

  26. This quilt is gorgeous! The colors pop against the dark fabric beautifully and I love the design. I had it open in another tab to compliment it before I read the post! Awesome work!

  27. Love the design the colors, and the name.

  28. I absolutely am in love with this quilt, especially because it is so original and is of your own design.

  29. I think you can put your fishing pole away! This will get compliments from it's own merits! It is simply stunning!

  30. You know, I liked it when you designed it on your ipad, but with the colours you chose in real life it beats it headlong!! Lovely colours, great quilt and ... man... how fast did you make that?? You can see it has been raining :-) Sublime! You can be rightly proud of yourself.

  31. It came out lovely! You did a terrific job. ;)

  32. Well... Hmmmm... Let's se....

    Just kidding of course. It is a stunning quilt, modern, simple and yet captures my eyes. Lovely design Lynne.

  33. It is phenomenal and unique. You are justifiably proud.

  34. Well done, its great. More 80s than 70s though I think. Went to see Abigails Party a few weeks ago and the set was amazing. I was flashing back to the brown and orange days.

  35. You don't need to fish for compliments because that is a mighty fine quilt.

  36. I love it, the design, the colours, the quilting, every bit of it is excellent!

  37. I do! I like it very very much! I get the same feeling when I've done something I really love. I want everybody to see it and tell me that they love it as much as I do!
    But I've never made anything quite as cool as this. Bravo!

  38. You did a fantastic job...I love it!!

  39. I think it has a slight Amish feel to it :)

  40. You should be proud, it is stunning!

  41. Fantastic! I am glad you are showing it off.

  42. You sure are a modern gal! Love the curved corners.

  43. Not too shabby I`s just bloomin` gorgeous of course!

  44. You did good, give yourself a pat on the back and take a bow.

  45. I love it. The rounded squares are such a neat shape. Well, I know "neat" is not what the kids are saying these days, but you get it, right? Great work - thanks for sharing!

  46. Yes, I like the transparency look. Very nice.

  47. I love it! Gorgeous!!! Thanks for sharing!

  48. Epicness! I can see why you say a touch retro and yet modern too.


  49. Don't be daft - what's not to love about this - I think it's b***dy fantastic

  50. Love LOVE it. Go ahead--fish all you want!

  51. You are justifiably proud - it is fabulous. You also seem to have made and quilted it in very short time

    Love it!!!
    Chris x

    PS Have at least 2 siblings quilts for you. Is there somewhere to drop them?

  52. Chris I can't reply to your comment but I hope you read this comment - thank you so much for the ST quilts - if you go to the Flickr group, all the information about where to send the quilts is there. Are you in London?

  53. Love it! Such great colors!

  54. It's not hard to give you a compliment on this--it's beautiful!

  55. Like, Meh ...


    It really is Modern and it really is beautiful and you really should be proud of it.

    I could die happy [from a quilting perspective, let's keep it real] if I had designed and made this little darlin' ... Looking forward to the PATTERN, dontcha think??


  56. I'm not sure what "chuffed to bits" means, but if it means "I just created something fabulous and everyone will want one too!" then yes, you nailed it! I could also see this in some earthy tones, black and whites,, when you writing us all a book? LOL

  57. It looks so beautiful! Its been so fun to watch the whole process of this one. :)

  58. It's Ab Fab! And the perfect name for it too :-)

  59. It feels like a cool backdrop or segue animation on a seventies tv show or a fabric that just too fab!

    I love it. The entire Partridge family should be silhouetted in white dancing in front of it.

  60. I do love it. It's gorgeous. I've loved it from the first concept you showed.

  61. You should be proud! I LOVE IT!

  62. I love it! It looks just like what you did in touch draw. Super Fab job!

  63. Definitely do love it :-) Its lush!

  64. LOVE, love love this!!!! you are an amazing quilter!

  65. I loved the idea when you made it on your ipad and of course its even more lovely in real life.

  66. Just beautiful, you are deservedly proud.

  67. It's absolutely wonderful!
    I want to make one now!

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. Aaaaamazingly wonderful quilt - so colorful (I happen to love color in my quilts), modern and fresh.
    Great job.

  70. It reminds me of Habitat chrome tubular and leather furniture. Brilliant!

  71. LOVE it!!!! And I am not a modern quilt type--but this is so beautiful and cheerful! I must ask...was it hard to make. I am a beginner, and have only done a couple of quilts. Can I handle this one (and how do I get the pattern)? I would love to make this for my MIL who is teaching me how to quilt. :)

  72. It's fab - love what you have done - colours and use of the drunkards path block - I can now see why your mother would fear car thieves stealing her quilt. I am so tempted to make one (just need to finsih everything else Ihave lined up first :-( sadly....)

  73. Loving your round the u-bend ;o)

  74. You certainly don't have to put a big juicy worm on the hook for compliments on this one! It's amazing.

  75. Oh my stars in the morning'!!!! You are one incredible designer and quilter!! We all know that- you should too!! Just perfection- I am hoping against hope that you decide to write a pattern or some kind of tutorial to explain this one :) How I would love to make one similar - just gorgeous!!!

  76. No need to fish for compliments, it's awesome. I love it.

  77. Well, I don't like it... I love it!!! It's definitely modern. And fresh, bold, gorgeous!

  78. 93 fish on your hook. That should tell you something.

    I'm quite in agreement with them too.

    Well done.

    By the did the gadget you were testing do?

  79. Well it looks like you got them!!!
    lol...I love your quilt!! Tell me it is a pattern I can get too.....

  80. Yes, it is lovely. Cheerful and bright, you are quite right to fish away!

  81. Fabulous and funky! well done L! Jxo

  82. 100 compliments and counting! reel them in - you deserve them. That quilt is fantastic! I'd love if you posted a pattern or tutorial for the block. I can really appreciate your statement about the tug o' war between modern and traditional. I feel that too, and feel the urge to push my boundaries. You knocked modern out of the park on this one!

  83. I love the woven feel of it, and the bright color combo is exactly right. Plus it looks perfect with your blog header. It is brilliant!

  84. I love this. A quilt made entirely of solids is on my to-try list and this one is perfect. Great inspiration!

  85. Love, love, love! Need I say more?

  86. Its freaking awesome!!!
    SO modern and I love the intense colors!!! Well done :-)

  87. It's wonderful! Love how the corners are lighter shades of the bright colors.

  88. No need to fish! I love it. Of course I would love it in really really bright colors with the black. It makes me smile.

  89. Brilliant, Unique, Bright, Modern... I could go on ... and on. consider yourself complimented.
    BTW did you ever get the "candied hexies" quilted , I am wondering how/ where to go with mine?

  90. oh, L, this is an amazing quilt! you didn't need to hear this from me after so many comments, but you need to hear this a zillion times more. gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!!

  91. OMG - I love it! So incredibly perfect. You should sell the pattern!

  92. Fabulous...simple and graphic, I love it.

  93. Yes! I do like it. Yes it looks rainbow-y but that is fine too. You should be proud. You did a nice job.

  94. LOVE! It is soooooo good. Cant wait for the pattern *wink*wink *

  95. I DO love it! What's not to love? Beautiful colors, black, geometric, artistically constructed...Its definitely a 10!

  96. I am not sure that love is the right word for this quilt - it is more awesome than just love!

  97. Very cool and what fantastic colors!

  98. Beautiful, gorgeous. I WANT ONE. Please give us more details on how you constructed it.

  99. Wonderful! and you don't really have to fish for those compliments! They'd happen anyway

  100. Oh my God, it's amazing and I feel, with all my years of buying 70s 'junk' (I think is the word you use) it obviously would fit right in my home.

  101. Love it!
    And it doesn't look very retro at all, which I like. Because I don't want to go back to the 70's designs!!
    This is very much OK.
    How big is it?

  102. Love the design of this, it's brilliant.

  103. Well your fishing seems to have paid off!! I love it too, love the colours and the modern design

  104. fantastic and yes you should be proud of it I love it!
    I had to laugh at how many comments this beauty had I haven't scrolled down so much in a while to leave my comment ! xxxx

  105. Looks like you got your compliments :-)
    I think it is fantastic, too!

  106. No need to fish, because if someone doesn't tell you how great this quilt is, they must be unable to see :) I love it, would love to have it, I think I might just paint my car like this :) AWESOMESAUCE!

  107. I love your quilt! It's beautiful and fun. I like it so much, I want to make one too :)

  108. No, I LOVE it. It's everything that I love about modern quilting.

  109. Great quilt, liked the pattern on your iPad, like the quilt even more. Hope you are going to publish the pattern, it looks like it will be popular!

  110. I don't like it....I love it!!!
    Very nice, indeed.

  111. I think it wants to live with me.

  112. I opened your site and said "WOW" I have to have this -- can it visit me for a while and I "promise" to return it? -- just to get close to it -how wonderful and soooooooooooooo
    professional looking - Terry :)

  113. It's beautiful. And if you aren't convinced that you are a "Modern" quilter, go online and look at quilts from a traditional quilt show. ALL of your quilts are "Modern" in comparison!

  114. I adore this quilt - and it is giving me the shove to open up and cut into my modern basics boxes!!!

  115. You should be chuffed! It's wonderful - I love that you didn't use the "normal" rainbow colors.

  116. Well, you got quite a few compliments!!! It is gorgeous, so modern and fun. Well done!.

  117. you bet, pat yourself on the back. you did a fantastic job.
    i love the colors you put together.

  118. Lynne, this turned out so awesome! Glad you went with no border. I am so in love with Solids. Very Mod! :) I love it!

  119. I loved the mock-up you did and the actual quilt turned out incredible. LOVE it!

  120. Wow!!! I love it! It looks wonderful!! and very modern!!!!

  121. Love the colours, love the pattern, love the modern look!! Is there a pattern for this??? How about a tutorial??

  122. love it !!! the colors are beautiful

  123. Haha I'm hooked! I love it - the groovy 70's shapes the saturated colour - it certainly shouts modern with a retro touch!

  124. It's fab! So simple, but really really effective!

  125. Stunning!!! It's beautiful Lynne!!
    Can't wait for the pattern :)
    Good job with the fishing and you deserve all the lovely compliments, it's great!

  126. Like? Love!! Love the simplicity of the quilt and love the colors. You did it up perfectly!!!!!

  127. This might just be the greatest quilt design of 2012 for me Lynne! It is spectacular!

  128. I think its fabulous! Fish away.

  129. And why shouldn't you fish, anyway? You're only asking for a critique! Why not!

    This is a lovley crsip, clean, modern design, and yet...and me it has a touch of the Amish about it! Perhaps not the lime green.....but certainly it wouldn't look amiss on a Pennsylvanian rail fence. Having said that, some Amish quilts are astonishingly modern -loking, aren't they? The old ones, I mean.
    Beautiful colour combos. Be proud!
    (I found you through Quilt Otaku)


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