Quilting Advice

A couple of weeks ago, I asked you how I might quilt the Oakshott 12 trees quilt and I got lots and lots of great ideas, advice and suggestions from you.  Angela Walters is a frighteningly talented long arm quilter who quilts for Tula Pink, Katy I'm a Ginger Monkey, John Quilt Dad as well as quilting a significant number of the fabulous quilts that the fabric manufacturers and designers bring to Quilt Market each spring and fall market.  Today she has taken quilting suggestions for my quilt from Tia Camp Follower Bag Lady, also a talented long arm quilter, as well as giving her own suggestions which you might like to read here as part of her weekly series "Deciding What to Quilt".

Embarrassingly, she has also asked me to come back and show her when it is finished which, given how I feel about my quilting skills, has me feeling a little anxious.  I have now decided how I am going to quilt it and will show you when it's done and just hope I don't make a right Horlicks of it.


  1. Ah Ha, I've already thrown in my ideas ;o)

  2. Just keep on quilting and don’t forget to breath!

  3. This quilt is so gorgeous, I can't stop myself from drooling all over my keyboard!

  4. Ooh - it's lovely. A very unusual combo of colours, and it works perfectly. Good luck with the quilting :)

  5. I love this quilt and I'm sure it will be beautiful when you are done. Can't wait to see it.

  6. This will be interesting! Now, I can't wait either. lol

  7. Such a gorgeous top! Can't wait to see the quilting too!

  8. I am sure whatever you do in quilting it, the quilt will be lovely. The important part is to just have fund doing it.

  9. best wishes with your quilting. this is sure to be a wonderful quilt!

  10. Off to see what she suggested...

    I can appreciate your last paragraph. It doesn't have to be perfect. Just do your best.

  11. You'll do just fine. Now relax and enjoy the process.

  12. Great photo....the colors really popon that grey day

  13. Those are great ideas, I look forward to seeing what you decide to do.

  14. I'm sure you will do it justice.

  15. You've had lots of wonderful suggestions, I can't wait to see what you do! You'll be fine, your quilting always looks great - have fun!

  16. Just know that nothing you can possibly do will wreck it. It's a lovely quilt.

  17. Thanks for letting me feature your gorgeous quilt on my blog :)

  18. The top looks wonderful. Your mother is going to love it! Can't wait to see it quilted. Also, I had to look up Horlicks.

  19. that quilt is SO cool! Where did you find the pattern? I would LOVE to make one! I think this is one that the hubster would even love! Can't wait to see it when it's quilted!

  20. ok, I found it doing a search for twelve trees on their site (12 trees didn't find anything). Do you know if I can get the pattern only? I've spent my fabric allowance for a while on a pre-order of FMF, hehe :)

  21. I love your quilt top, and can't wait to see what you decide.

  22. The quilt is absolutely gorgeous but the quilting advice seems a little scary. I would probably go a little, okay a lot simpler.

  23. Och, sure, you'll be fine. After all tumbling leaves can't be THAT hard ;o) :oD

  24. Wow love how striking the quilt is in those colors. I went to Helen Howes website and did a search on her tree series - if you have not already seen it - it's pretty amazing: http://www.helenhowestextiles.co.uk/quilts/trees.html.
    I also would like to purchase the kit. I'm trying to search to see if anyone in the US is carrying the fabrics.

  25. I love this! Did you have a pattern or did you just make it up yourself. I'd love to make a tree quilt some day.

  26. Oh those trees are life-size, I thought they were going to be diddy - have fun x

  27. It's fabulous!! I love how the trees are all kind of "pointed" in different directions. It gives so much movement to the quilt, like it's a breezy fall day!


  28. Love the trees. I have been looking for the pattern but can only find the kit. Do you know an outlet for the pattern? Thank you, Sharon in Connecticut USA

  29. Love the trees. I have been looking for the pattern but can only find the kit. Do you know an outlet for the pattern? Thank you, Sharon in Connecticut USA

  30. I love your quilt! Did you find a source for the Oakshotts here in the US?

  31. Okay, love your quilt and wanted to purchase a kit but they were sold out. Looks like a lot of folks are asking for the pattern as well...any ideas for here in the U.S.? Thanks!


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