Advice please

I'm still making these Cosmic Burst and Oakshott triangles and am going to add in some bigger ones and some smaller ones too, possibly scatter them randomly over a background but I don't know what background to use. 

I don't want to use a solid for this, but something with more texture than that.  I'm thinking non-directional because I'll have a piecing nightmare otherwise.  Here are some fabrics I've been perusing at Sew Fresh Fabrics to come up with ideas.  Thoughts?  Suggestions?  Ideas?  


    This one or ....

    This one :)
    Nothing with too much pattern because I presume you need a fair bit of angled cutting etc

  3. Nos 7 or 18 with small'ish circles in aqua or fresh green (counting from top left) would be very easy to use. And I adore the colours.

    Using a grey is difficult, as you already use grey in the blocks, and we all know that grey is not just grey...

  4. I'd go for a complete contrast and try the black with white spirals!!!

  5. I really like the houses with the black background but like you said cutting etc. too many to choose from! I only got to page 5 and gave up Xx good luck looking forward to seeing it pieced

  6. I'm by no means any good at this sort of thing, but I think I'd go the Joel Dewberry blockprint blossom. Even though its a large print, the colours would look fab and it could look interesting cut up as a background?

  7. Adore that meet the gang text print... It would be gorgeous! Think you need a light-ish background to make the dark oakshots shine...

  8. Don't know if you'll get the right colours but Michael Miller's 'Hall of Fame' and 'Weekend Clubhouse'

  9. I love repeating the same colour in your triangle (the same as in ) the outer triangles, like the green in the picture.
    I also like what The Calico Cat said: black and white fabric in the middle. Because there's already a lot goning on colourwise.
    Fabrics could also be Anthology Sweet Tooth or any colour Kaffe Fassett's Paperweight. Anything with a small pattern, probably (liberty?)

  10. I have to agree with the black and white spirals. It matches the style of the block best in my mind. I really love the black and white dot on the top row, but I think it probably doesn't have enough zip to make the highlights pop out.

  11. It would look really cool on a white on black text print if you could find one of them maybe. Too much/too big of a pattern might get lost I think. Ha, this is so much fun building someone else's quilts, much easier than figuring out your own :oD

  12. I'm having a background fabric crisis too! I can't see the second picture so not sure what you chose. The idea of a text print sounds very cool though!

  13. Couldn't you applique the triangels on a whole clothe? Then you could use stripes if you wanted to, and it would be easy to tilt and turn all you like.

  14. I think this is a hard one. I would want to use one of the grey prints if you can find one that works well with your grey solid otherwise one of the blacks. But I am sure that whatever you choose will be wonderful.

  15. Nothing too flowy floraly. Im thinking geometric. Howvabout some AH Heath?

  16. I think they would look great against one of the black and white prints!

  17. This was difficult, but you made me really think ... all the colour-prints are so beautiful if you like your quilt to be more orange, pink or lime etc. Usually I don't choose white-black but because your blocks has also grey and black, I think the n:o 2 and 19 could make wonderful backround.
    In any way it's going to be beautiful quilt - just different with every choice.
    x Teje

  18. My suggestion would be a fabric on the paler side and not too busy so as not to cause an argument within the quilt about which part is suppose to be the star of the show. I'm pretty anxious to see this one least the top completed. :-)

  19. Black with small white dot is my choice.

  20. I think black with a small amount of white.

  21. I like the aqua, the second on the third row, Doesn't look like a lot of it in the triangles so this one would make them pop. I'm just saying... not that I know.

  22. #5 or #6 (the black with white dots or the black and white sketched houses)

    I do think you need to do something fairly small scale and random, in a black or charcoal. I love the idea of color but I think the triangles will pop better on a darker, more neutral background.

  23. I like the black and white swirls.

  24. I like the black and white prints the best but really like the top two on the right.

  25. I would go with something organic rather than something geometric. I really like the black and white swirl. I think the colors would really pop with that and some might get quite lost if you use a color background.

  26. I love those Summersault fabrics. I've been eyeing them. Le sigh.

  27. 21 - the grey with distinct white flowers would be lovely. It is going to lovely. The triangles are very cool.

  28. Oh, this is a tough one!! I think any of the (single) colour plus one other colour (so the blue on blue or orange on white, etc.) would work really well. Are you piecing the background or is now the time to tackle hand applique?!! I'm looking forward to seeing which background you choose! (And I still love your new header!!)

  29. top right black house print for sure. I love how the roof tops mimic the shapes of your triangles and yet it is neutral to all the colors in your quilt so far.

    There... you ask for an opinion and I'm quite certain I'm right. Just like everyone else. lol

  30. I would go with the black with white spirals.

  31. I like the black with white spots, or maybe try to find a similar grey with random spots; it's got a 'distant cousin' of your Amitie BOM vibe going on.

    Love the big old diamond header x

  32. I'd pick one of the smaller prints with low contrast colors so as not to fight with the triangles. JMHO :)

  33. I like the last one on the bottom row to the right... not too big...not to small...

  34. I would go with something completely blousy and floral but big big big ... peonies or summat ... kate spainy ... or even oriental ..

    .. but I wouldn't piece them ... I'd applique them onto a wholeclothy type thing ... you could turn them really easily with freezer paper ..

  35. Have you seen the washi line of fabrics? something from there would go perfectly with these. Also I think I would applique them on, then you dont need to worry about directions. Look forward to seeing your choice

  36. You need something neutral so I'd head for the tan flowers from Dazzle or the grey print by Art Gallery

    I adore Summersault but the prints will distract too much from the triangles. The other colours should pop and not get dominated.

  37. I think black with a little white

  38. I quite like the black options. Those triangles would be so dramatic floating about all rainbow-ey on black and white. The black and white spots, top row, second from right would be so bold, yet enough of a repeat small design that it could visually calm down a bit. How fun, it's like a choose your own adventure book.


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