A quilt in situ

I made this quilt for my sister's friend, Carla.  It has been shipped, has arrived safely and is now installed in Carla's new Paris apartment.  Last night she sent me a photo and I wanted to keep it here for myself really.  There's something very special for me to see a quilt I've made in situ and in use.  Melody Miller's Ruby Star Rising and Kona coral are the main fabrics and it came out at a whopping 100" X 100" - QAYG in sixteen squares of 25" X 25".


  1. There's nothing nicer than seeing your quilt in use, proves it's loved.
    This was a beauty.

  2. Fabulous, fantastic, flipping amazing, frighteningly incredible!!

  3. Very clinical term in situ. That quilt is stunning and would be the envy of all parisians

  4. That really does look wonderful- what can be better- on a bed in a Parisian apartment. Whopper too!

  5. This looks wonderful- Only, why can't my rooms be as tidy and clutter free as that?
    I am suffering declutter envy!

  6. Lovely quilt Mrs!Its such a nice warm fuzzy feeling seeing your quilts in use isnt it?

  7. That is one big quilt Lynne!
    It looks perfectly in place in it's Parisian home!

  8. It looks amazingly at home and is beautiful - I have a quilt which now resides in Paris. The French love `Le Patchwork`, not that my quit has 100% French owners...

  9. This really made me sit up and pay attention, I want to make a quilt for our king size bed but wasn't sure about QAYG, this looks fabulous.

  10. It's an absolute triumph! Lucky new owner!

  11. This is one super quilt and though you wanted to keep it, it must give you a real spark of pride and joy to see it in use already and truly loved - well done

  12. It looks fantastic and almost makes up I guess for having to part with it! Almost...?

  13. Oh wow, that looks fab! Always great to see your things 'out in the wild' exploring new habitats :oD

  14. this is amazing...you are so great at making a feature out of the fabric you use.

  15. Wow, she is a big bertha! (The quilt, not Carla). Looks great on the bed!

  16. mammafairy's comment about it being a clutter free flat made me laugh. She hasn't moved her stuff in yet and you'll be pleased to hear that she is probably the least clutter-free person I know!

  17. I love how you shared it in its new home.

  18. It is a corker, and I bet it gave several postal workers a hernia!

  19. It looks wonderful on a bed, in use! You did a fantastic job on this quilt.

  20. Love it...I so enjoy going to visit my Mom and seeing the quilt I made her laying on her bed in the nursing home...She has dementia and she never fails to pat it and tell me she loves it..

  21. I love seeing where the quilt actually lives. It looks fantastic.

  22. C'est magnifique! so perfect so sophisticated so Parisien!

    I think this comes a very close second in quilt love to your penguin books, which will ever be my favourite quilt ever made. like ever.

    Size really does matter in this quilt! If it were smaller the graphic would just be too much. It is the perfect size. Yay you. what's the address?

    *putting on cat burglar outfit ...

  23. Oh, it looks fabulous on a bed - bet it's wonderful to sleep under! Another triumph!

  24. It looks perfect in situ, and what a proud quilt mama you should be :)

  25. Very lovely quilt. Looks georgeous.

  26. Oh if I live to see the day when I can write about one of my quilts being used in a Paris apartment. You're in the big leagues, mon amie.

  27. It's stunning. I love the colour combination.

  28. What an incredible gift! The colors are divine!

  29. The quilt looks lovely on the bed, you should be very proud of your work.

  30. Lovely! A very clever pattern for QAYG that doesn't give itself away as a QAYG. tinakatwal @ gmail . com

  31. Stunning, that big would need to be QAYG. Nice to see it being used and loved.


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