Paper Pieced Union Jack Pillow

When Katy came back from Quilt Market, she brought a huge bag of fabric bundles to my house.  First of all I tried stealing some of the fabric bundles and hiding them  behind the furniture but she noticed annoyingly.  Nevertheless her kind side chose to overlook my attempts at petty theft and she distributed her fabric wealth amongst us (Brioni, Justine, Mandy and me) like the true princess she is.

She split her Rouenneries Deux Fat Eighth bundle with me and she loves Rouenneries so I know that was hard for her.   I cut into that bundle yesterday and made a companion pillow to my Patriotic US flag pillow made from Etchings wovens a few weeks back. Once again, 28" X 18", the size of a UK bed pillow and my new favourite pillow size.  If you'd like to have a go at making one of these, I may well be teaching a fun and informative "Paper Piecing a Union Jack Pillow" class at FQ London 2012.  Be there or be square.


  1. Great cushion, I made 3 rectangular ones earlier in the year, and you are right, it's a brill shape.
    You will have to video your workshop for me!!

  2. The pillow is lovely! I've made a couple of Union Jack cushions but I haven't paper pieced them.

  3. That'll be me square then (fab pillow by the way)

  4. Sign me up for your class then. :)

  5. Ha ha maybe I just will be there for your class and I can finally make amends for my abysmal union jack efforts in the fmb2!!! Lol

  6. can I steal this pillow as you wouldn't let me steal the other one? It's only fair.

  7. Lol. All this stealing! I thought you were posh?!

    Cute pillow though :-) My double fat jack is now a bed pillow, he's too big for the sofa lol!

  8. Yay, that looks fab. I ticked this one on the form (mind you, since it looks like my mother registered as herself rather than as me, maybe she ticked it ;o) )

  9. I love the monochromatic palette and fabrics in this cushion - you are lucky to get a share of that special fabric stash

  10. I'm in LOVE! Beautiful pillow. You are my quilty hero, cause I can't wrap my head around paper piecing. This is truly lovely. Thanks for sharing. Happy Monday! ☺

  11. *sigh* Destined to be forever square! I think that you all need to form a plan for the next time Katy comes round with fabric - two to distract her, one to pinch and one to hide it!

  12. Lovely colours in the fabric choices. Lucky you to get such a kind sharing

  13. Love the union jack pillow. i need to make one, love the fabric!!! love to paper piece.

  14. I want to make a Jubilee Weekend souvenir Union Jack Pillow, please please please!!!

  15. Dammit, I hate being square. I spent all of high school being square. How could you do this to me again!

    Killer pillow, part deux.

  16. That is so pretty, if I knew how to sew I would be copying you in a heartbeat. May have to ask my mom to make me one.

  17. Hi, I love your union Jack patterns. I've made the chabby union jack on the moda bake shop. As I'm in Australia and sadly can't attend your workshop, would it be possible to maybe purchase the paper pieced union jack pillow? Thank you kindly, Edith


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