Looking like Ronnie Barker in my new bins

Looking like Ronnie Barker in my new bins by Lynne @ Lilys Quilts

It took me about an hour standing all alone in the opticians looking at myself in the mirror to pluck up the courage to actually order these glasses. Still starting slightly when I catch myself in a mirror but I'm getting there. I'm going to wear them all day every day until I am no longer feeling self conscious in them.  Oh, and for any non-Brits, "bins" are glasses and this is Ronnie Barker, one of the funniest British comedians ever.


  1. I think they look fab! You can see your eyes really clearly so you see you and not just the glasses.

  2. I wear some black frames too and they take a bit to get used to,but they do look quite lovely on us blondes!

  3. They're a great shape for your face, and the darker frames suit your coloring.

  4. Very stylish and they suit you perfectly. Ah, the two Ronnies. Takes me back .....

  5. Actually, I think you look much better than Ronnie Barker. They suit you. And the two Ronnies were very funny, we used to get them in Australia too!

  6. fork handles!

    love em Lynne you look tres tres chic and that you should be obeyed.

    win win


  7. Blogger ate my comment!

    I love your glasses.

  8. You look fabulous. I am hopeless choosing new glasses as I have to go about five inches from the mirror and squint to get the foggiest clue of that they look like. Needless to say this is not the best way. Years ago I relied on the less than helpful advice of the SpecSavers boy (he hadn't got to shaving properly yet) and that was a very bad mistake!

  9. I like your glasses and they suit you. :)

    And you are so right about Ronnie Barker being one of the best British comedians ever.

  10. they look great! Funnily enough I had just the same experience in the optician on tuesday. Everything is so sweepy at the corners or alarmingly 1970s. I tried on pretty much every pair in the shop before I found something that didn't make me look like an extra in Mad Men!

  11. Fabulous glasses. They suit you perfectly.

  12. I so wanted to write something about you looking like a speccy geeky tw*t - then I looked in the mirror!

    Are these Fat Quarterly standard issue?

    PS. Pings - 'saw tips'?

    It's a goodnight from me...

  13. You look like the sister from the TV show Weeds...and that's a good thing!

  14. I always think of the two Ronnies when I see *that* Echino fabric. You know the stuff I mean. I now picture you going into the optitians with a swatch of that fabric and asking for glasses just like on the fabric!

    You look great in them :-)

  15. well Ronnie never looked so good... ;-) and he wore dresses...

  16. Hee hee, you're rocking the Ronnie Barker look

  17. You look so much nicer than R.B.! Jxo

  18. The glasses look great on you.

  19. you look great , the two ronnies loved them along with eric and ernie :))

  20. But they are the height of fashion, darling! I should know, I'm glazng loads of them ATM!! You look great!

  21. They're wonderful - you did just right!

  22. You look great! You've seen mine right? Mine are a mix of Ronnie B and Dame Edna! As long as you don't start wearing cerise lipstick outside your natural lipline you'll be fine ;-)

  23. Sarah and Hadley - not fork handles, four candles! Are we showing our age? Great bins.

  24. They're lovely - I love those sort of glasses - but my husband dissuades me every time I try them on! Think I will just have to go and that diet and then get them anyway!
    Oh and you don't look like Ronnie Barker - far too stylish!

  25. They look much better on you than on Ronnie:-) We used to watch him Down Under.... hilarious. In fact, reruns of Porridge are on at the moment. I have never heard glasses referred to as bins. I learn something new in blogland almost everyday.

  26. Yeah I am looking forward to all the jokes and laughs now you have the Ronnie Barker glasses.

    Don't tell me you are the phantom raspberry blower of old London town??? No I said Don't tell me!

    Almost disappointed you didn't get the Eric Morecambe ones though....

  27. They look great! Good for you for trying something new :)

  28. Snazzy Specs!
    My kids reckon my new glasses make me look like a Librarian. I don't care though as I always wanted to be a Librarian just so I would have a good reason to read all the time and be surrounded by all sorts of books!
    You look much nicer than Ronnie Barker :).

  29. Well, I for one love your new bins (and where the heck does that word come from?). You can't let Katy get all the attention in the specs department!

  30. Your new glasses look very cool!

  31. You should have a nicer optician! The specs look great, but I would never leave one of my patients standing around like that!I like to help (be a nuisance!) and be part of their choosing, as they may not be brave enough to choose something different. Good job you are wise enough without the help, to get it right!

    Sorry, blogger is misbehaving again,so here is my address

  32. Couldn't help it, they look really stylish

  33. they look great. I hate getting used to new glasses, so know the feeling

  34. Who can ever forget the fork handles sketch. Classic. Friend of mine lives in a house that used to be an opticians and if she has forgotten to lock the front door she still gets people wandering in to have their eyes tested!!!!! You look good in the specs. Better to see properly than go around in a fuzz.

  35. You look great in your new specs and what a lovely smile! And thanks for that great pic of Ronnie Barker, comedy hero!

  36. I'm loving the ronnie barker look, you could start a new trend x

  37. It's terrible what age and crafting can do to your eyesight - I hate it - I used to have great close work vision now it sucks - and you are braver than me going for black rimmed glasses - I tend to go with fine purple or copper tones to compliment my hair

  38. You don't need the bins for me to think you are one of the funniest people I know. They suit you swell!

  39. I think black frames are the "in" thing. I just ordered myself some too. Love yours!

  40. You look fab and not at all like Ronnie Barker.

  41. I dig them! Bold is definitely the way to go with frames right now.

  42. They look great and I think you're (almost!) as funny as the man himself ;o)

  43. Well, you certainly bring me sunshine! Looking good Mrs G!

  44. You did good. It takes me numerous trips before I order a new pair. I got black ones this year too! We are tres current!

  45. Lynne, Ronnie Barker is a big hit in my house so to be wearing glasses like his is "cool"

  46. Yours look fabulous.

    Why are glasses called "bins"? I've wracked my brain and can't come up with an answer!


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