Fig Tree Union Jacks

Whimsy and a little bit of Breakfast at Tiffany's.  Which UJ do you like best?


  1. I'm drawn to two - top right and bottom middle!

  2. Oh do I have to choose just one! LOL bottom middle or bottom right :) Don't they look fab all together!

  3. Middle bottom - first instinct - can't look too much otherwise I change my mind. They are all lovely!

  4. Bottom row in the middle. Love it!

  5. Another vote for bottom middle! Very nice.

  6. I think they all look great, but I like the middle bottom the most.

  7. Bottom middle. I wouldn't get tired of looking at it.

  8. Oh Lynne,
    they look so gorgeous....I adore them all but if I had to choose, N8 would be my one.
    Absolutely gorgeous

  9. So hard to choose, I love the over all effect. But when pushed I'd say top right as it looks most "traditional", but I also love the UJ in the middle (did you know we're not supposed to say UJ anymore, it's U flag, grrrr).

  10. Having another look, I think I now prefer N2 because the contrast is not as obvious as in N8 and every time you look at it you can see something new in it...absolutely gorgeous

  11. bottom middle this block!

  12. It's such a cop out, but I love them all. But the bottom middle one does stand out the most...but that doesn't necessarily mean that I love it more, just that I notice it more.

  13. I like the centre one. Can't go past the crispness of white. But they all look great together!

  14. Bottom middle keeps drawing my eye. But they're all pretty slick. :)

  15. Call me traditional, but I like all of ones with red stripes...the top right corner is my fav, just cos it's a wee bit unexpected with all of the different backgrounds.

  16. Top middle or middle right but they look great together.

  17. I just love the middle block of the bottom row because I am very partial to the colour "red". I also really like the block on the far right in the middle row, however, I think it would gain from an additional touch of the red fabric.
    Thank you for the tutorial of that block.
    Diane Côté

  18. These are fab, I much prefer them to the liberty ones at V&A, as using different lines of fabric gives each one much more personality. The tutorial is really detailed, think I might be tempted ... As if I don't have enough IWAGs ( I Want A Go) :-)

  19. I love them all but the one that really pops out for me is the bottom row middle.
    Thank you so much for the tutorial.
    I just discovered your blog and am enjoying it very much.


  20. Hello- I just stumbled upon your blog because I saw a comment you made on Moda Bakeshop. I saw the flag block next to your name... I have been wanting to make a baby quilt for a friend and want to make blocks that look like flags. She is American, her husband is from England and they met in Greece. So my idea was to use all three flags in a baby quilt for their baby. Would you be willing to share your quilt block design?


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